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a little help

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:46 pm
by tremplaya
Ok, so i've looked over the forum a bit and i'd just like to confirm a couple things.

1) to get lots of experience i need to regularly have a high combat multiplier

2) the only real way to get a high combat multiplier is to use Physical shield in melee or lots of enflame

3) to use physical shield or enflame a lot i need lots of will potions

4) to get lots of will potions i need lots of money

5) to get lots of money i need to do the buy-all/sell-all trick

So basically the first thing i need to do is make lots of money and level up my physical shield and mana.

This sound about right?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:23 am
by badboyd22
tremplaya wrote:Ok, so i've looked over the forum a bit and i'd just like to confirm a couple things.

1) to get lots of experience i need to regularly have a high combat multiplier

2) the only real way to get a high combat multiplier is to use Physical shield in melee or lots of enflame

3) to use physical shield or enflame a lot i need lots of will potions

4) to get lots of will potions i need lots of money

5) to get lots of money i need to do the buy-all/sell-all trick

So basically the first thing i need to do is make lots of money and level up my physical shield and mana.

This sound about right?
pretty much yes..
The first think I do is getting as much health and mana potions as possible, and than buy/sell trick.
Done that, I buy the best armor I can find. (Usualy Plate with some piece of chainmail)
Now, for a lot of xp you need a good CM, and for that you need the spell PS.
BUT, you dont directly need the best form of PS there is. Since enemies level up as you do, upgrading once in a while (when you find it needed) will do.
When you have a decent amount of mana and a decent lvl PS (lvl 3 or 4)
Go enter
The Arena
. By the time you are done, you will have a CM of around 40-60. Drink all your Ages of xxxx potions and voila. That will give you a realy nice boost untill you reach Cliftop path. And are able to gain endless streams of xp.