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How do you not become angels?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:42 pm
by Loredweller
So, almost all random encounters shift one to the "good" side... Penalty for killing a villager outside a town is next to nothing... All you can do is to eat those chicks (there isn't that many of them, though) and play some quests wrong way (also with little harm to your alignment if you like to wander around or farm XP a bit). Yeah, i know that there may be performed treacherous acts of great evil, either that or to fall to idiotic nonsense as killing all the population in a town (Bowerstone at least is safe), altogether in the beginning i see no way how to stay in middle :mad:

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:06 pm
by badboyd22
Loredweller wrote:So, almost all random encounters shift one to the "good" side... Penalty for killing a villager outside a town is next to nothing... All you can do is to eat those chicks (there isn't that many of them, though) and play some quests wrong way (also with little harm to your alignment if you like to wander around or farm XP a bit). Yeah, i know that there may be performed treacherous acts of great evil, either that or to fall to idiotic nonsense as killing all the population in a town (Bowerstone at least is safe), altogether in the beginning i see no way how to stay in middle :mad:
Staying in the middle requires a very controlled way of killing. Its hard, and I dont think the game is ment to be neutral..

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:10 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Kind of agree here. Though a point to note, certain spells do affect your alignment, so maybe with them you could potentially stay in the middle, no? However, it will be tough...

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:39 am
by Loredweller
There is plenty of "evil" opponents and next to none "good", so, to stay in middle one has to play dirty tricks or otherwise cheat the game.
Yes, there are spells supposed to be "evil" or "good". However, i haven't noticed
any visible "evil" shift if using, say, Life Drain (or whatever the name was).
Besides, where you get those numbers, "evil" or "good" points? What is the value of full bar to one or another side and is there any "outscaling"?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:03 pm
by Loredweller
In fact i wouldn't care to be an :angel: if i haven't read about possible difficulties in the temple of Avo :mischief:
It's just unjust :mad:

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 9:18 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Loredweller wrote:Yes, there are spells supposed to be "evil" or "good". However, i haven't noticed
any visible "evil" shift if using, say, Life Drain (or whatever the name was).
Besides, where you get those numbers, "evil" or "good" points? What is the value of full bar to one or another side and is there any "outscaling"?
I noticed the shift whilst spamming heal and Physical Shield spells to gain will xp. But then again, I guess I must have used them a couple of hundred times, so the shift must be very minor... And there are no numbers obtainable from using those skills, merely shifts over a long period.

No outscaling either, and that sometimes frustrates me.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:01 am
by Loredweller
Loki[D.d.G] wrote:...
No outscaling either, and that sometimes frustrates me.
Good news. So i can eat 40 chicken to lose 200 points in "good". In temple of Avo, if i get it right, i should have -400 to get back some years (since the mace comes first). ;) Moreover since there are some encounters making your more "good" - mentioning the troll, for example (you can pass it, sure, but there're the exp. and the stone... :o