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Becoming a vampire...again.
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:48 pm
by leprekhan
I'm playing the PS3 version, and I want to become a vampire again. I was once a vampire,and did the Cure for Vampirism quest, and completed it. I then took the vampire up on his offer at the DB sanctuary to become a vampire, but nothing happened. My log noted that I was bitten, and I waited a few days, and absolutely nothing happened. I heard that possibly once you are cured, you can never again become a vampire. Anyone out there know if this is true?
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:42 pm
by Mz_Trixter
Apparently so, once cured that's it. However, rather than just curing it, you could do a double saved game.To where on one save, you can continue being a vamp & the other, you can cure it. This way your don't have to settle with one game line. Plus since I also plan on becoming a vamp for my first time, I personally think it adds more intrigue to the game.
Just be careful not to save over it by mistake
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:02 pm
by Red_X
Same thing happened to me
Mz_Trixter wrote:Apparently so, once cured that's it. However, rather than just curing it, you could do a double saved game.To where on one save, you can continue being a vamp & the other, you can cure it. This way your don't have to settle with one game line. Plus since I also plan on becoming a vamp for my first time, I personally think it adds more intrigue to the game.
Just be careful not to save over it by mistake
That sucks, I did the exact same DB quest and wouldn't turn eather.
Thanks for the info, I was wondering what happened!
never thought I would regret curing myself.
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:57 pm
by Uriel
Well, I play 360 version,so it might be different. But if you go to a cave thats on the road to Cheydinhal, then you will find a cave about a little bit north of the road,(if your heading to Cheydinhal by walk,somewhere on the raod)then you will find a cave that will have a sort of stairs leading to it, inside the cave occupies vampires. Try to see if you can get vampi deasise from them.
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:05 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Once you are cured, it is impossible to get infected with the disease again. Even when fighting against vampires.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:09 am
by Mz_Trixter
After getting cured of it though, I remember reading somewhere that 'minor' vaimpiric facial features still linger. This idea's always seemed to ''eww'' me. So I'd rather be vampire, or avoid it all together. Even tho formerly being one - you get that nice immunity to the disease.
But I think it's only a matter of timing when becoming a vampire that really affects gameplay. Bcuz, if you turn too early & intend on finishing the game as one; then you'll have a 'heck of uh time'. Especially when it comes time to open more Oblivion gates ...what do most daedra spew out at you? Lotsa fire. But it's really up to you when you wanna do it. The challenge will definitely be in the beginning . My tip for this would be, OD on fire resists