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Becoming a vampire...again.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:48 pm
by leprekhan
I'm playing the PS3 version, and I want to become a vampire again. I was once a vampire,and did the Cure for Vampirism quest, and completed it. I then took the vampire up on his offer at the DB sanctuary to become a vampire, but nothing happened. My log noted that I was bitten, and I waited a few days, and absolutely nothing happened. I heard that possibly once you are cured, you can never again become a vampire. Anyone out there know if this is true?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:42 pm
by Mz_Trixter
Apparently so, once cured that's it. However, rather than just curing it, you could do a double saved game.To where on one save, you can continue being a vamp & the other, you can cure it. This way your don't have to settle with one game line. Plus since I also plan on becoming a vamp for my first time, I personally think it adds more intrigue to the game.

Just be careful not to save over it by mistake :D

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:02 pm
by Red_X
Same thing happened to me
Mz_Trixter wrote:Apparently so, once cured that's it. However, rather than just curing it, you could do a double saved game.To where on one save, you can continue being a vamp & the other, you can cure it. This way your don't have to settle with one game line. Plus since I also plan on becoming a vamp for my first time, I personally think it adds more intrigue to the game.

Just be careful not to save over it by mistake :D
That sucks, I did the exact same DB quest and wouldn't turn eather.

Thanks for the info, I was wondering what happened!

never thought I would regret curing myself.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:57 pm
by Uriel
Well, I play 360 version,so it might be different. But if you go to a cave thats on the road to Cheydinhal, then you will find a cave about a little bit north of the road,(if your heading to Cheydinhal by walk,somewhere on the raod)then you will find a cave that will have a sort of stairs leading to it, inside the cave occupies vampires. Try to see if you can get vampi deasise from them.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:05 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Once you are cured, it is impossible to get infected with the disease again. Even when fighting against vampires.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:09 am
by Mz_Trixter
After getting cured of it though, I remember reading somewhere that 'minor' vaimpiric facial features still linger. This idea's always seemed to ''eww'' me. :eek: So I'd rather be vampire, or avoid it all together. Even tho formerly being one - you get that nice immunity to the disease.

But I think it's only a matter of timing when becoming a vampire that really affects gameplay. Bcuz, if you turn too early & intend on finishing the game as one; then you'll have a 'heck of uh time'. Especially when it comes time to open more Oblivion gates :D ...what do most daedra spew out at you? Lotsa fire. But it's really up to you when you wanna do it. The challenge will definitely be in the beginning . My tip for this would be, OD on fire resists :)