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After beating SOA...

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:41 am
by Windour
Sorry for this noob question.
I finished SOA b4 but this is the first time i have installed TOB with it.

So if i finished SOA(final killing of Irenicus), will the game directly start me off in TOB?
What about my gears and party members?
Do i have everything from SOA or i have to start afresh from TOB?

I read thru some info and still can't conclude.

izzit: SOA->Watcher's Keep -> TOB?

Many thanks

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 4:50 am
by Grombag
After the final batle of Irenecus, you will indeed imidiatly start with ToB. You will stay with the team you had with you while defeating Irenecus and the gear they were carrying. I'm not completly sure of what happens if one of your characters died when in the final batle though.
Well actually it is Soa -> first part ToB -> finish ToB. This also has the advantage of breaking up the quest. On the other hand you can get some nice items out of it. You can continue this quest in ToB where you left off in SoA.
Hope this answers your questions :)

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:00 am
by jimbo32
Note also that you can't access the areas from SoA once you start the expansion, so any items you have stored there will be lost. I always have a "bottomless bag of holding" mod installed in order to get everything over to the expansion. I'm a real pack-rat though, so you may not want to bother.

You can do Watcher's Keep at any time (can be accessed from both SoA and ToB).

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:36 am
by wise grimwald
I read recently in another thread that you can store items in watcher's keep in order to access them in ToB. You might find that strategy helpful.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:22 am
by CFM
Windour wrote:So if i finished SOA(final killing of Irenicus), will the game directly start me off in TOB?
Yes. The SoA ending will transition over and initiate ToB automatically. No character creation screens, importing, or any of that. The game simply jumps into Chapter 8.
Windour wrote:What about my gears and party members?
Do i have everything from SOA or i have to start afresh from TOB?
When you win SoA and ToB automatically starts, you and your party will be intact carrying everything they had on their inventory screen at the end of SoA.

If you start ToB afresh, you will begin that game solo, with a predetermined starting inventory (ToB assumes your character went through SoA). This predetemined inventory will vary, depending on your character's class.
Windour wrote:izzit: SOA->Watcher's Keep -> TOB?
You can do Watcher's Keep from either the SoA world map, or the ToB world map.

If you're currently playing SoA, then you will be brought back to the SoA world map when you leave Watcher's Keep.

If you're currently playing ToB, then you will be brought back to the ToB world map when you leave Watcher's Keep.

Watcher's Keep is part of the ToB installation, and is designed for high level characters, so I recommend waiting until ToB before visiting it.

As wise g pointed out, you can transition more items that you can carry (which is unlikely with Bags of Holding) via Watcher's Keep. From the SoA world map, visit and stash your stuff in the main outdoor area of Watcher's Keep, and it should still be there when you re-visit it again later from the ToB world map.

As a side note, remember to install the ToB patch, if your installation doesn't have it already.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:10 pm
by Darth Bane88
If anyone dies, you lose there items unless you picked them up before killing Irenicus. My problem is that your party is split, half are in TOB half are still in the elven city and you have to fight the first TOB battle with only two people(not really that hard).

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:55 pm
by Windour
Thank you everyone.