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uber melee char

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:59 pm
by terran698
hello i have just started an urgoth in (ce) and yes i know about the bug. i was wondering what classes i should choose to make him an uber melee char. i know that he has the lowest str and vit requirements and those are the only two skills that dont have a cap (stop doing anything no matter how many points you put in it). any input would be wonderful.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:11 pm
by swcarter
I played once as a Deathlord-Paladin, and that worked pretty well.


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:09 am
by dcinroc
My best melee character was a Crusader/Knight. Although an Urgoth will have trouble getting a high enough Will to qualify for Crusader.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:15 pm
by ywou whou
melee warriors

im all about hackem slashem myself, and have had 2 good combo's for melee so far,first char was rogue adept vakytire budoku ninjalord, was first 1 ever and didnt know what i was doing but worked out well, dual weild makes awesome offensive abilties in melee. second one i went the shadowlord route, but went warrior samuri route instead to get my dual weild.

those are bot female elves, valkyrie is female class only. but using those u get a good feel for what you can do.shadowlord special ability makes them pretty much untouchable for short durations. and dual weild allows u to throw out the dps.

hope that helps,
the shaman