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Elixirs - how much?

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:24 am
by Loredweller
So, there are Elixirs. As i get it they add constant amount of points in corresponding Attribute. How much?
I've got an impression that combat multiplier doesn't change the amount here. Am i right?

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:24 am
by badboyd22
CM does not effect the elixer potions.

And I cant realy give you a number that an elixer ingreases, since the game does not use numbers to display your health and mana.

I do know this:
There is a maximum of health and mana in the game. Once reached, you can't make it go up more, not even with elixer potions. I think you will have about 2 life and 2 willmaster elixers left when you reach the max.

Atleast I had.

Not upgrading your health, and first drinking all health elixers wont help you to get over the max either. Your health will simply not ingreas while your health lvl does.