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1/2-HoF mode
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:27 am
by Tioma
Hey, I modified scripts to give monsters 2*HP+25 instead of their original HP (in addition to Tony K and Reeron's enhancements and Loudent's AC bugfix). I'm planning to reward it with 1,5*XP. It would be 1/2-Heart of Fury mode

(pliz let me know if U wanna test it). Any additional ideas ?
Tc, Yigor
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:01 am
by Tioma
Folowing a suggestion on the official NWN2 forum, I'm planning to make the following scheme of XP rewards :
low XP monsters (1-20) : 3*XP
medium XP (21-200) : 2*XP
high XP (201-2000) : 1,5*XP
very high XP (>2000) : 1,25*XP+250
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:09 pm
by Tioma
Hey, U can download my mod from [url=""]this location[/url] at Sorcerer's Place.
From Readme : "This mode gives monsters 2*HP+25 instead of their original hitpoints (keeping as well Tony K's and Reeron's enhancements and Loudent's AC bugfix). New XP reward is calculated by the following scheme : 3*XP for first 25 experience points, 2*XP for experience points between 25 and 100, and 1.5*XP for experience points above 100.
Installation : Put unzipped files into your Documents\NWN2\override folder."
Good luck,