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Expression ideas in Fable 2

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:35 am

Hi, what types of new expressions would people like to see? I would like too see a 'Pickpocket' experssion, Along with insults such as 'Fist shake' and 'Spit in eye' :D

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:35 am
by Plasmamage
I want "kick in the shins", "pat on the head", and "high five"!

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:46 am
by DesR85
I think some expressions when escorting people like 'halt' to make everyone stop following you and 'clear' for everyone to resume following you. Overall, I think the number of expressions in Fable are enough.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:39 pm
by TheDeadShadow
i would like to express......being rich that would be cool :cool:

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:04 am
by Invisable Man
dude id love to be like an evil character that acts all kool like sasuke or vergil (devil may cry) and do a threat expression or ignore them and stuff like that

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:43 am
There's already a topic about this, but oh well. I'ld like to see a pickpocket expression. Now THAT would be cool.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:31 pm
by ross12694
I would like: the BARF expression!

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:31 pm
by Wakatishy
whats a pick pocket emotion ? like do you look like a pickpocket or something or do you mean acually pickpocket the person?

well a slap emotion would be cool for girls lol. :)

off topic but nice avatar plasmamage

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:44 pm
by unregisturd
I for one would like to see a double thumbs-up Fonz expression. "Heeeyyy.."

And some sort of Irish jig would be awesome as well. :cool:

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:57 am
by Rweeb
unregisturd wrote:I for one would like to see a double thumbs-up Fonz expression. "Heeeyyy.."

And some sort of Irish jig would be awesome as well. :cool:
Dude Fonz would be awesome... Villagers would hero worship you while you were just like "Heeeyyy.." :cool: I think a kind of slit throat movement which is where you draw your thumb over your throat with an evil smirk :mischief: and people take it as a threat.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:56 am
by rickemosh
i want more good expressions because in the first ones there wernt many good ones and they could be cool and open new quests cos ur nice to people or instead of just giving a ring to the person u wanna marry there could be an expression where if you do it right you propose to them