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It'll be McCain V. Obama V. the Libertarian

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:53 am
Who will you push the Diebold button for?

I'll push the Diebold button for the Libertarian but if I were in a close state I'd vote for Obama over mr establishment McCain. Obama will help pro gunners take back the congress (in the way that Bill Clinton did, by his constant attacks on gun owners), while McCain will help the republican party continue it's fraud, its phony "patriotism," and its phony "conservatism."

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:56 am
by fable
Closing this thread and poll. People will vote for the candidate they choose for any of several dozen reasons, combined or separate. You've qualified each choice so strongly with your remarks in the poll itself that every choice is meaningless.

If you want to start up a poll which lists each of the major party hopefuls, including the ones you've left out, by name, and just that--we'll leave it stand.

Then you're welcome to state your opinions of each in the post section, within the board rules. :angel: