Jaheira snapped -SPOILERS!
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:54 pm
Here's the basic scenario...
The party enters the Beholder Dungeon in the Underdark and while defeating the first two beholders (a tough fight for my party) Jaheira is petrified. It took me several reloads to get through this first area, so I thought it worthwhile to run back to the merchants and get a Stone to Flesh scroll rather than reload and take my beating again. Upon returning and freeing her from this frozen state, the first words out of her mouth are that she doesn't know me anymore, the Harpers have been keeping tabs, and it's time to lay down some justice. Jaheira and about five summoned Harpers proceed to initiate a fight to the death. No chance for dialogue was presented, and I really don't want to kill Jaheira...we've been together so long! I realize that as my reputation gets worse (slayer ability, etc...) that these NPCs will react accordingly, but this seemed out of left field. Does petrification change a character? Could it be a glitch? I did nothing unusual in defeating the beholders...Minsc did it all w/ the cloak of mirroring. Oh, and I've only used the slayer ability once, and that was to open a door in the Mind Flayer dungeon. Also, I've not done anything w/ Jaheira's quest or the Harpers yet, so I've not had a chance to TRULY offend yet. Here is the current party makeup...
PC Neutral evil mage
This could be a back up and replay it situation, but I'm curious.
The party enters the Beholder Dungeon in the Underdark and while defeating the first two beholders (a tough fight for my party) Jaheira is petrified. It took me several reloads to get through this first area, so I thought it worthwhile to run back to the merchants and get a Stone to Flesh scroll rather than reload and take my beating again. Upon returning and freeing her from this frozen state, the first words out of her mouth are that she doesn't know me anymore, the Harpers have been keeping tabs, and it's time to lay down some justice. Jaheira and about five summoned Harpers proceed to initiate a fight to the death. No chance for dialogue was presented, and I really don't want to kill Jaheira...we've been together so long! I realize that as my reputation gets worse (slayer ability, etc...) that these NPCs will react accordingly, but this seemed out of left field. Does petrification change a character? Could it be a glitch? I did nothing unusual in defeating the beholders...Minsc did it all w/ the cloak of mirroring. Oh, and I've only used the slayer ability once, and that was to open a door in the Mind Flayer dungeon. Also, I've not done anything w/ Jaheira's quest or the Harpers yet, so I've not had a chance to TRULY offend yet. Here is the current party makeup...
PC Neutral evil mage
This could be a back up and replay it situation, but I'm curious.