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Best and Worst NPCs (spoilerish?)

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Lady Dragonfly
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Best and Worst NPCs (spoilerish?)

Post by Lady Dragonfly »

OK, here is the deal. On a scale of one to five, with 'five' being the most annoying, who is the fairest of them all? :D

My list:

***** Dandelion (a good-for-nothing lecherous alcoholic; a lousy, full of himself lowlife poet who is not even funny)

**** Shani (a second-rate belle with attitude. Condescending "We'll talk later" and "Okay, gimme a kiss" speak volumes. If you were a womanizer, would you appreciate a jealous, possessive, crabby girlfriend? Huh? Just think of her Grandma's genes)

*** Alvin (a creepy doppelganger; becomes super-annoying in chapter 4. "Help me!!!" Should I say more?)

Most lovable NPCs with a trace of personality - Kalkstein, Vincent Meis and Siegfried. :D
The best fun in town - Reverend, Snani's Grandma and Vaska.

What are your preferences? :)
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Post by phelot43 »

I'd have to give the five stars to Dandelion too. Who would be friends with that guy?

Maybe three stars to Leo for talking my head off while I'm supposed to be stopping thieves.

And three stars to White Rayla for having the most irritating voice in a game FILLED with irritating voices.

Vincent and Siegfried are ok, but Gramps, the cannibal takes the cake for my most loved NPC just for sheer randomness and "WTF" value.
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Lady Dragonfly
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Post by Lady Dragonfly »

phelot43 wrote:And three stars to White Rayla for having the most irritating voice in a game FILLED with irritating voices.
Runner-up: Ramsmeat, the Gangsta.
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Post by Thora3967 »

As I've mentioned in another thread, 5 big brights stars for the Trade Quarter Guardsmen!
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Post by DesR85 »

It's been a while since I last played but here is my take on a few of the characters:

-Triss. 1/5. Attitude problem and arrogant. Also don't like the way how she talks to others, especially towards the main character, Geralt.

-Shani's grandmother. 1/5. Very annoying and rude. Keeps kicking you (Geralt) out of the house and screams at you no matter how hard you try to please her.

-Yaevinn (sp?). 2/5. A complete idiot and stubborn. What more can I say?

-Dandelion. 2/5. Bad singer, doesn't do much aside from hanging around at bars and can be a jerk at times.
phelot43 wrote:Vincent and Siegfried are ok, but Gramps, the cannibal takes the cake for my most loved NPC just for sheer randomness and "WTF" value.
Same thoughts as well. ;)
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Post by rabus »

Lady Dragonfly wrote:Just think of her Grandma's genes
First thing, I you reffer to old lady who kept Geralt from going upstairs, well that is NOT Shani's Grandma ;p (she only rents her a room).

And as for the topic I think that Adda was very annoying along with Alvin so I score them worst. The best ones were ofcourse "card" npcs ;p
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Post by Crougher »

The worst character in game is Triss, she was first NPC in game I wanted to kill ;)

And my favourite character is receiver of stolen goods - Talar. (I don't know English translation ot this name, if it was translated). In Polish version he is realistic, and full of humour. I heard most of NPCs lost their "climate" in every translation, so I don't know what kind of Talar you know :P .
Sorry for my English ;)
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Post by Lady Dragonfly »

Talar became Thaler. He is one of the better NPC. :)

Still, it is weird that the Chief of Intelligence would personally pose as a fence in the slums. High-ranking officials have better things to do. Then you meet him during the 'posh reception' in the tavern, wearing the same torn, dirty clothes. One of those irrational things, I suppose. Then he spends the rest of his game life drinking downstairs (alone) and offering some bogus dialogue options.
Man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe.
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