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Black and White

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2001 7:01 pm
by shesgottahaveit
It is by the maker of Populous - Populous was the first "God Game" and I really loved it. This one sounds awfully kewl. Anybody own/play it?

Another Link [url=""][/url]
Looks like I out this in the wrong forum. Sorry Image

[This message has been edited by shesgottahaveit (edited 03-28-2001).]

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2001 8:41 pm
by DĂșnadan
Hah! I just got back from the store, and I have yet to open it....I'll give the report on it minions await....Muahahahahahaha!!

President of the World Alliance for the Advancement of Me (W.A.A.M.)

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2001 10:08 pm
by fable
Not yet; I'm expecting it next week. Meanwhile, Tropico is about 2 weeks away from coming out, and I've been playing a beta of it: pretty damn neat, IMO.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2001 11:32 pm
by DĂșnadan
Whoa! What a rush! That game kicks some serious arse!! My tiger creature is awesome. I had him rescue four drowning sailors, and he picked two of them up and deposited them saftely on shore, but then hepicked the other up and as he was rescuing him, dropped the poor man into its mouth! The remaining victem was let drown by my malicious little beast. Heh...heh...heh....The combat system for the game is amazing as well. Something simple and fun, but don't expect Tekken style moves or anything. I've wasted too much time already... Back to my cowering minions I go!

President of the World Alliance for the Advancement of Me (W.A.A.M.)

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2001 12:05 am
by fable
Dunadan, give us a full review, will you? Besides, it will do you good to come up for air. Image

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2001 10:26 am
by TheDude
ha i played it today !!!!

and it looks beautiful but the controls need a lot of practicing

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2001 10:58 am
by DĂșnadan
Ok, my lips are stuck shut, my eyes are red and bloodshot and have permanant dark rings around them, my hands are quivering and my mouse fingers twitch at the slightest sound, and I am nearly dead of exhaustion, hunger, and thirst...

But seriously, this game is worth it! I have not as of yet encountered a single thing about this game that I do not like. The graphics are incredible (at least on my system), the sound is great, and the music is nice in the background, since it never interferes or gets repetitive. The control does take a bit of gettting used to, but can be mastered in time, and you can set hotkeys to take you to certain places. The gameplay is everything[i/] it was hyped to be, and perhaps even more. My little tiger has its own personality, likes, and dislikes, and his AI is amazing. I tought it to eat villagers when hungry, and when I come back to check on him, the scream of dying villagers and a satisfed cat grace my ears. I was even allowed to tatoo him with my godly symbol (very neat). The spell effects are amazing as well, though I have not as of yet borne witness to many of them. As I mentioned, the combat system is fun, easy to learn, and simple, which makes for fluid and enjoyable combat, though like Tekken or Mortal Kombat (which is good). Let's see have I left anything out? Well, I guess I should say that the manual is extremely helpful, and should be read over before playing (Even though I didn't Image). I hope I haven't left anything out, but in short, this game is everything you've heard it to be, and any gamer worth his keyboard will get it a soon as possible. End transmission. Image

President of the World Alliance for the Advancement of Me (W.A.A.M.)

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2001 2:25 pm
by shesgottahaveit
I was *very* disappointed to hear your opinion of Black and White. Why am
I disappointed? Because my machine isn't good enough to run it!!! I knew
when I read some reviews that I really wanted the game, but sometimes you
get excited by the hype, but find that the real game sucks. Many
reviews are by magazines that sell ads to the game companies so I thought
it might be over-hyped.

Since I can't play Black and White until I upgrade, I was hoping to hear
that it was "ok, but nothing special, and the interface is irritating".
Damn!! Now I've been spending the last day surfing the web reading reviews
of PC components and getting prices to upgrade. I really didn't want to
spend the money right now, but I want the game!

Thanks again

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2001 3:36 pm
by fable
B&W just arrived. I haven't installed it yet, but the basic requirements are for a P2 350, 64 MB RAM, and 8 MB Direct3D. You can cheat on the 8 MB Direct3D, of course, but that slows things down. Still, it should run easily enough on your machine, from what I recall you saying about it.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2001 4:25 pm
by shesgottahaveit
I case your interested here's what I ordered. Thank god for

MB-Asus K7V 133
Ram- 256 MB pc-133
Chip- AMD 1 GHZ thunderbird (majorly overclockable)
HD-IBM 60 gig ata100/7200 rpm
Video card- Asus 7700 GeForce 2 GTS 64 MB
A DVD drive
A CD R/RW drive
case 300W

All this for less than $1000

EDIT: And thanks to

shesgottahaveit~ Known in the realms as Serena
Secretary~local 00 (California Chapter)
Proud member of the Brotherhood of the Woods

[This message has been edited by shesgottahaveit (edited 03-30-2001).]

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 9:45 pm
by Applebrown
Awesome system there SGHI =).

I see you did your research on what kind of system to get and I know it's going to pay off for you.

I bought the game on Wednesday and wow is it ever something I'm feeling overwhelmed by... in a good way but still.

Honestly I need to play it more but saw Longest Journey in the used section for 19 bucks so just had to pick that up and see what it was all about.... super great so far.

Applebrown @
Make YOUR Gaming Scream!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2001 12:53 pm
by fable
So far (and I can't claim I've played it all that much, yet), my reactions to B&W are mixed. I love the graphics, and the AI is extremely clever. But there are two problems I've had with numerous Molyneux games in the past, and they crop up here, as well.

First, there's the game's linearity. Sure, you can do a lot of tasks in a number of different ways, but if you want to advance, in almost all of his games there's *one* strategy to employ, one series of places to go in a certain order, and certain miracles you'll have to use for certain situations. You're only given miracle access when they're specifically needed, and "random" is not really a word in his game's advancement vocabulary.

The other difficulty I have with his products is a high degree of "makework." In other words, ways of doing things that are just damned difficult (but frequently boring) because Molyneux wants you to scurry all over rather than strategize. An example is constantly, physically moving janitors to clean up after every patient who vomits in a hopsital queue in SimHospital (why exactly so many patients vomit in queue is never specified).

Now, in BG2, if you wanted to cast a spell, you'd simply pause the game, click on it, and cast, right? But in B&W, you have to *memorize* the visual image you "draw" on the screen for casting one of the many miracles available to you. Too bad if you're drawing is off, or you draw the wrong one! And who wants to draw an image on the screen instead of clicking on an icon, anyway?

I'll continue playing, probably in heavier doses in the future, just to get a greater feel for things, but I must admit those two items I mentioned above are turnoffs. No matter how good a game is, I like the option to really advance by pursuing a number of strategic possibilities (one reason I'm not too keen on the HOMM series). And I never like makework in games.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2001 5:37 pm
by Weasel
@fable...Please do keep the updates coming.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 1:45 pm
by fable
I've played more, and my reactions remain mixed. I'm delighted with the non-linear aspects of creature development. It's AI is great, and I like the whole good/evil, SimBoyScout/Old Testament Prophet division in winning. (No offense to those who like Elijah--hey, if you enjoy old, scowling men that kill scoffing kids with miracles, that's kewl.)

But the makework in particular continues to annoy me--in fact, it gets more aggravating with each session. Damn it, I *want* icons. I want easy ways to navigate and summon up miracles, because I want to concentrate on strategic gameplay elements. Lionhead or Bullfrog, Molyneux's done this before, and it's incredibly frustrating--almost as though he didn't feel his game could survive a detailed look, and he had to distract you with wimpy action-oriented activities.

I'm still undecided. Given the sheer number of people who either love or hate B&W, I may be the only person alive who remains divided on the subject. Image

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 1:01 am
by Xandax
I've just bought it - gotta get it by mail today or tomorrow Image - can't wait to try it.
It is my first new computer game since BG2 Image

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 1:09 pm
by VWzealot
i got it about two days ago. its really fun. im trying to play as a good god. it took me awhile to figure out how to shape my creatures personality. but i think i got the hany of it now. to bad he has 67% body fat Image , he likes pooping on rocks instead of my grain fields, and he thinks i don't pay enough attention to him. id have to say i love casting fire balls at enemy villages though. mahahhaaha, there little screams are awesome Image i can't wait to finish it as a good god so i can try as an evil one.


Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 11:10 am
by Xandax
Why do my creatures always puke after eating grain?

Great game otherwise, I helped a lot after upgrading my system :cool:

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 4:40 pm
by clintanime
ive played for a long while and it's awesome but I uninstalled it and then lost my cd case I cant reinstall unless I have the code from the cd case someone please send me the code. send to:

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 12:02 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by clintanime:
<STRONG>ive played for a long while and it's awesome but I uninstalled it and then lost my cd case I cant reinstall unless I have the code from the cd case someone please send me the code. send to:</STRONG>
tsk tsk tsk tsk :eek:

BTW the code isen't on the cd-case with me, it is on the manual :D