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Persadue Issues Dantooine Juhani Help Fast!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:19 pm
by lorddarthrevan
ok i need to know what number does my persaude gadge need

to have to convience juhani to go back to the jedi

enclave i looked and had 2 points in my persudae gadge in

the pc kotor 1st game :eek: i have all the persuade feats

filled 1,2,&3 but still every time i talk to her(juhani)

she says lies more lies and tells me to leave her alone

now :( i have to go threw all my previos saves that ive done

while im on dantooine to fix the problem:speech: any sugestions

on how to get the big arrow over my main character

meaning getting her to level up for me several times i

found the squad of mandies but every time i try to defeat

them my whole party ends up on the slice and dice board

levels up besides kath hounds although im over my fear of

kath hounds though :laugh:

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:49 pm
by Caden
I don't think it requires any persuade, just choose the nice responses.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:55 pm
by lorddarthrevan

well she meaning juhani i could never convence her to go back to the jedi enclave she just kept saying to leave her alone and when she did talk to me she kept saying lies so i got tired of it and did away with her for dark side bonus and got to red lightsabers off her remains im on korriban now a sith student :laugh: