Persadue Issues Dantooine Juhani Help Fast!
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:19 pm
ok i need to know what number does my persaude gadge need
to have to convience juhani to go back to the jedi
enclave i looked and had 2 points in my persudae gadge in
the pc kotor 1st game
i have all the persuade feats
filled 1,2,&3 but still every time i talk to her(juhani)
she says lies more lies and tells me to leave her alone
i have to go threw all my previos saves that ive done
while im on dantooine to fix the problem:speech: any sugestions
on how to get the big arrow over my main character
meaning getting her to level up for me several times i
found the squad of mandies but every time i try to defeat
them my whole party ends up on the slice and dice board
levels up besides kath hounds although im over my fear of
kath hounds though :laugh:
to have to convience juhani to go back to the jedi
enclave i looked and had 2 points in my persudae gadge in
the pc kotor 1st game
filled 1,2,&3 but still every time i talk to her(juhani)
she says lies more lies and tells me to leave her alone
while im on dantooine to fix the problem:speech: any sugestions
on how to get the big arrow over my main character
meaning getting her to level up for me several times i
found the squad of mandies but every time i try to defeat
them my whole party ends up on the slice and dice board
levels up besides kath hounds although im over my fear of
kath hounds though :laugh: