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hit dice

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:05 pm
by mcgregor

I was wondering if someone could clarify to me the meaning of 'hit dice'. Spells are often listed as only affecting enemies of x hit dice or less, and I am confused as to what this means.

To give an example, death spell affects only those of 8 hit dice or less. I have always presumes that this just meant a certain difficulty of enemy - I have always found the spell kills of most weak baddies, but not stronger ones. Just now, though, I was playing through the mind flayer section and found that the spell not only kills umber hulks every time, mind flayers sometimes (why only sometimes?) but also the big boy himself, the elder brain? Surely he's counted as a pretty tough enemy?


Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:27 pm
by Bluestorm
Hi there
Hit dice mean how many dice roles (based on a 8 sided dice) a monster gets for
its hit points so a 2dice monster can have between 2-16 hp's (2 roles of D8).
This is how AD&D 2nd rules list all monsters hit points 1d 2d 3d etc..

hope this helps.