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Robe of Neutral Archmagi(spoiler)

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:08 am
by a hygh guy
So I want this robe for my main character. The gamebanshee walkthrough says you can buy it from a merchant in Trademeet in SoA. It does not show where that merchant is on the map though and I have walked around and talked to almost everyone in the town. I've talked to all 3 merchants in the square, the one in the tent, and the dinjis before they left.

Can anyone please tell me where this merchant is? I am using Vista so the debugmode doesn't work.

Thanks in advance. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:26 am
by Crenshinibon
The Robe of the Good Archmagi is obtainable in Trademeet according to the item location, however, the robe of the Neutral Archmagi is not obtainable until the Throne of Bhaal expansion.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:39 am
by a hygh guy
Oh I looked at it wrong, thanks for clearing that up for me. I guess I'll have to wait until ToB.

Edit: Would anyone mind telling me where the merchant is that sells the Robe of the Good Archmagi?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:37 am
by Kulyok
Xan BG2 NPC adds a Robe of Neutral Archmagi to Trademeet merchant, if Xan is in party. (It's not a straight purchase, but a small character-related encounter, actually; you'll see).

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:24 am
by mcgregor
I'm fairly sure the blacksmith in Trademeet has one. A robe of the good archmage, that is.
