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droping books

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:01 am
by corncob
im trying to get the dark wizards hat, is there any way to drop books or only give certin books to the headmaster

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:39 pm
by Loredweller
AFAIK you can choose if to give or not the book to the teacher - if you have another fitting one, it'll be offered in the next turn; if not, you just have got to find a right one. It's the usual way for people wanting the dark hat - or so i'm told. Never have bothered myself, though, never saw any reason.
Okvale shop sells books, but i never have tried to sell one.
Probably the Charity shop might be buying, but it's long way ahead (otherwise you probably wouldn't care about it)

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:02 pm
by Fire Monkey
List of books for dark hat

You can find a list of books that work for getting the dark hat here:

The best thing to do is to collect only these books. If you say "no" to donating a book, the game generally keeps asking about that same book.

Strategy: only get books from the second floor of the guild dormitory and books from Bowerstone. If you're still short, then get The Pale Balverine and/or Twinblade's Tale from the guild library. Even if you grab the wrong book at this point, the preponderance of dark hat books will weigh in your favor.