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War Axe that is considered Blade??? O.o (possible spoiler)

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:05 am
by Vitalmune
Ok, so I was playing Oblivion, was in the 'Crumbling Mines' Just going through time and time after again to make my way to the bandit ring leader.. to loot whatever he may have. I mind you this is a new character, only lvl 9. He held a Dwarven Axe of Diminishing. Nothing too special, just took away 2 luck on strike. Only weird thing was that it says this axe is in the Blade Profession. Any Reason? Has this happened to anybody else?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:15 am
by Siberys
Hmph, a glitch that makes sense of something (I have no idea why they listed it as blunt in the first place). Never seen something like that, but if you're a blade user I'd keep it, axes are pretty powerful.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:42 am
by Vitalmune
Haha Yeah I did keep it. and I am a blade user. and luckily it did increase my blade up. ^_^ its pretty awesome =3

I love it. Well til I get a newer/stronger weapon