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Chapter 2 --> Belial

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:43 pm
by MageOfTheWood
Well this is my third or so time through the game and I'm exploiting every place I can for experience so that the game doesn't seem utterly boring. If you remember, in Chapter 2 of the Original Campaign, you summon the demon Belial in Karlat's Chambers in Jhareg Castle. I've got a level 9 figter with a sword saint katana + 1, and I'm determined to kill him. That katana is my specialty weapon and it is also the only weapon I can currently find that will hurt him. He has a 35 or so point damage absorption and my katana does 1d6 sonic damage. I've only gotten him to barely injured if it all, and I was wondering, has anyone done it? Has anyone killed Belial? If you have, I'd be really interested in knowing how. I loaded up on heal potions + speed potions + barkskin + lots of other ones I could find but to no avail.

Suggestions? Solutions?

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:48 am
by Xandax
Hmmm - I can't remember if I killed that one or not on one of my runs through the game back then.
I would advice you to try and find a weapon that does acid damage (usually the best type against these boss mobs) and see if that helps. I can't remember any off the top of my head though. Other then that I have no real suggestions, sorry :/

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:42 pm
by RohamQkac
I play as a sorcerer. Some weeks ago I met with that fat fire demon, but it didn't make a lot of trouble to kill him once I survived his Implosion spell. :cool:
After - and before, of course - the succesful saving throw I cast Isaac's Greater Missile Storm. Two or three forced him back to the fiery hell he comes from (or the frosty to be unconfortable to him :D ).