My first time playing this game was on the first of this month, that's when I got this game as an aniversairy gift.
I absolutely hated it cuz the controls sucked and I died by groms cuz i didn't know how to fight back, couldn't jump as high, didn't know how to access my inventory and thought the world was so small........
I didn't give the game a chance, it wasn't till I redid a new character cuz I didn't know how to save but then I learned, did i start liking it. I discovered at about lvl 3 i could kick a black bear's arse withe that fire spell you get xD and the backup button ((i think it's B, my finger would know better than my memory xD))
And after discovering a few tricks i like this game alot~~~~~~
I can multiple cast ((I had like 8 or 9 summoned creatures at one time))
I can put things on my horse (( can choose between yellow horse, brown horse, white horse, black horse, skeleton horse, red lizard, white lizard, brown lizard))
I can teleport from wherever I am and back to it with summoning stones
I can steal good armor and make uber gear from people's locked closets and chests
I can see and fight dragons <3
I can have my own pet dragon ((Well it's really a wveryn but so what
And if i ever get xbox live i can play with people on there
I can enter a locked house by not unlocking the lock through summoning
I can have my own army that is very hard to kill
And I can have a horse i don't have to spend millions of gold only to have it die by one swing of an orc xD ((with the exception of skelton horses, for some reason they die :/ even though they're already dead))
The only thing I can't do in this game is walk/jump on the surface of water,
Swim in it in really heavy gear
and Swim in water on a Horse
and Jump very high.