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Another dual wield question..

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:37 pm
by Kharas
I seem to recall seeing a discussion about dual wield proficiency here before but I couldn't find it. Someone said that 3 stars in dual wielding was a waste, any thoughts on that?

Oh, and might as well include this one as well, does the trick of levling directly from 5 to 11 when dual classing a fighter to cleric give you another proficiency point to spend at the fighter proficiency table? And how much experience do you need to get to 11?

thanks :)

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:05 pm
by Thrifalas
3 star isn't a waste at all, but -2 offhand THAC0 isn't vital. 2 stars will do.

Your second question, I'm not sure that I get what you're asking. But it doesn't sound like anything doable to me. ;o

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:39 pm
by shift244
Kharas wrote:Oh, and might as well include this one as well, does the trick of levling directly from 5 to 11 when dual classing a fighter to cleric give you another proficiency point to spend at the fighter proficiency table? And how much experience do you need to get to 11?
thanks :)
If you level up a stack of levels until your 2nd class exceeds your 1st class in levels in one shot; yes it does work (unless you have a mod that fixes this cheese, if one does exist). The engine has already opened up the fighter options again due to your actualy xp, even though the proficiency was granted by an earlier cleric level.

Technically, you'd be Fighter 5/Cleric 6 (I assume that's what you're meaning) so the xp required should be about 20K.