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Vacuum tubes for a poster

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:37 pm
by LadyGahan
It's my first time playing...
I got to the point when I am offered some exchange for the 3 posters... And I was asked for vacuum tubes, which I had. Found them instead of a CD. :confused:
Anyway, I place them in my mailbox (Tremere chantry) and they stay there, no exchange... Why? I left them there, went to do some stuff and when i came back they were still there.
Do I need to wait longer? The first exchange was so quick... :speech:

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:08 am
by Wesp5
LadyGahan wrote:It's my first time playing...
I got to the point when I am offered some exchange for the 3 posters... And I was asked for vacuum tubes, which I had. Found them instead of a CD.
Which patch version are you using and are you using basic or plus? Did you continue from an older saved game per chance?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:53 pm
by LadyGahan
I got this computer with the game on it, the guy sold it to me and when I found out he had this game I asked him to leave it on so I have no idea how it is patched... :( Is there any way I could find out from files installed?
I did delete all his saves though before I started... So all saves are mine. You could say I continued from an old save, but it was mine, and most possibly the latest I did...

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 3:40 pm
by Wesp5
LadyGahan wrote: I did delete all his saves though before I started... So all saves are mine. You could say I continued from an old save, but it was mine, and most possibly the latest I did...
Please look for the patch readme in the vampire directory or start a new game and look for the info on the base character screen. I think this bug was still in version 5.0...

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:48 am
by LadyGahan
Sorry it took so long but it's pretty hectic here as I'm in the process of moving :mad:

Anyway,I checked the Vampire folder and don;t see anything, but the Character screen has something in blue in the upper left part... It says VTMB Up 4.9
So, I need to upgrade?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:42 am
by Wesp5
LadyGahan wrote: Anyway,I checked the Vampire folder and don;t see anything, but the Character screen has something in blue in the upper left part... It says VTMB Up 4.9
So, I need to upgrade?
Upgrading during the game is always problematic, because random bugs may pop up. In your case I would rather look in the walkthrough here for the other items Gary's is looking for and just keep on putting them in the mailbox. The tubes will vanish then at a certain time.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:22 pm
by LadyGahan
OK, thanks, I'll see what happens :)