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Hands of a healer

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 5:41 pm
by davwags
The NPC's keep saying "you have the hands of a healer" anybody know what that means and what I should do?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 6:13 pm
by Arok2092
It just means that they recognize that you have a high skill in restoration. This does not mean it is your major skill, just that it is a high skill level. For instance, for me they say things like "You have the hands of an illusionist." and "You look like a sneaky looking sort." Referring to the Illusion and Sneak skills both of which I have a high level in but are Major and Minor skills respectively.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:01 am
by davwags
Ah ok thank you

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:40 am
by AvatarOfLight
Interestingly you can have both the hands of a smith and the hands of a healer.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:36 am
by vickstick
yeah, they can also:
smell that you're good at conjuration('been conjuring up dead things?' ;) )
see the blood on your knuckles
SEE:laugh: that your great at alteration and that you might teach them a bit
see that youre a shrewd businessman
see that youre 'handy' with a blade or that youve 'swung a mace or two in your time'
see that your comfortable in light or heavy armor
,notice that youve got 'a real bounce to your step' or that youre a fit one and have been running a lot
that youve got 'quite the silver tongue'
'how about mixing up some potions? you look like quite the alchemist' :D
they can see the electric charge upon you if youre good at destruction(even if you only cast fireballs)
they can see your nimble fingers and ask what youve been getting into
that you have the eyes of a trained marksman
that your shield arm is strong
etc.(cant remember the rest :cool: )

this also applies to attributes:
look at the muscles on you!
you look like a bright one.
(all the ones ive heard)