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Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 2:06 am
by Sailor Saturn
I'm getting curious again, but not as gutterishly curious as last time. :p :D

What's your favorite accent?

I'd have to say mine are those of an Irish lass, Southern Belle, kokney, Australian man, Scottish, Japanese. :D

Edit: I must say that censors are quite annoying. --;;

[ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: Sailor Saturn ]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 2:15 am
by Nippy
So you c0ckney censored? ROLFMAO :D :D

Mine has to be a thick Irish brogue and Geordie accent.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 2:18 am
by Georgi
Irish :D

Although there is something to be said for the Australian accent too ;) :p

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 2:23 am
by Rob-hin
OHO (very exited), There's this women in Hot Shots, she has de best voice ever!! Really hot accent!! :cool:

Follow by another women (don't konw her movies names or her name...), she has red hair, in one movie she goes to get an living robot for this guy and they fall in love, the name of the movie is something like Sherry 2000 or something.
She just has a really sexy voice.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 2:23 am
by Vehemence
*evil grin* :D

Scottish, Irish and of course English would be my top three :D

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 3:50 am
by Minerva
Originally posted by Vehemence:
<STRONG>Scottish, Irish and of course English would be my top three :D </STRONG>
You should learn more about English, Vehemence. :p Unless you are talking about the Queen's English, there's no such thing called "English accent". :D For example, Gruntboy is a Geordi, so I believe he has Geordi accent, and not "English". I'm sure he is proud of it. :p

(Of course, he might be a public school boy with "the" English accent, so in that case, I apologise. :o :D )

Minerva, at her spam and run...

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 3:55 am
by Mr Sleep
Probably Irish.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 4:00 am
by Georgi
Originally posted by Minerva:
<STRONG>You should learn more about English, Vehemence. :p Unless you are talking about the Queen's English, there's no such thing called "English accent". :D For example, Gruntboy is a Geordi, so I believe he has Geordi accent, and not "English". I'm sure he is proud of it.

(Of course, he might be a public school boy with "the" English accent, so in that case, I apologise.)
LOL Minerva :D Grunty, a public schoolboy, that would explain the obsession with marines... :p :D

Well, ok, so what accent do I have? It's not exactly Queen's English, but it's not a regional variation either, it's just "English"... ;)

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 4:04 am
by Vehemence
Originally posted by Georgi:
<STRONG>Well, ok, so what accent do I have? It's not exactly Queen's English, but it's not a regional variation either, it's just "English"... ;) </STRONG>
*looks at Georgi* That one... that's the accent I love ;) :D :p

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 4:08 am
by Minerva
Georgi, I know you are from the region with less distinctive accent. :) I just wanted to hear Vehemence saying like this...
Originally posted by Vehemence:
<STRONG>*looks at Georgi* That one... that's the accent I love ;) :D :p </STRONG>

[ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: Minerva ]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 4:22 am
by Georgi
@Minerva ROFL! :D You mean you wanted to hear that? ;) It didn't make you feel slightly nauseous? :p :D

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 4:26 am
by Vehemence
Hey, no fair, I've been tricked I tells ya! :D

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 4:58 am
by Minerva
Originally posted by Georgi:
<STRONG>@Minerva ROFL! :D You mean you wanted to hear that? ;) It didn't make you feel slightly nauseous? :p :D </STRONG>
Nauseus? Why do I have to feel nauseus to trick Vehemence? :p

@Vehemence: Hehe. :D Oh, congrats on 4000th post. :)

I've got to go. I have to paint my bathroom... :) Bye.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 5:07 am
by Vehemence
Originally posted by Minerva:
<STRONG>Nauseus? Why do I have to feel nauseus to trick Vehemence? :p </STRONG>
No you don't have to feel Nauseus, but it might make him happy. Now where did Nauseus go... he's around here somewhere ;)

Bye Minerva, thanks for the congrats ;)

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 5:32 am
by Gruntboy
Opinion polls usually suggest that Irish, Welsh, Geordie and other such soft, melodic regional accents are most popular. That's why you get a lot of call centres in such places (cheap living costs too :D ).

I like 'em all. As long as its regional and distinctive. Scots, Welsh, Swedish, Canadian, German, anything!

Northern European and Scandanivian tones usually float my boat (watch out Xandax ;) ).

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 10:37 am
by Aegis
@Grunt: I'm pretty sure we don't have an accent...

My favorite would have to be Northern Scots. The really thick Gaelic accent that the Scots have. It's also the one I spent hours learning to mimic!


Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 11:01 am
by Darkpoet
Irish, Scotish, German, Dutch, French, Italian, Russian, Aussie, any accent really. :D

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 11:22 am
by Craig
Ozzy or"Ack my laddie,"eets Scootish

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 11:34 am
i really like the american south accent (on a girl), or of course the poll favorite Scottish. The Glasgow accent doesn't sound right to me, though, so it's the Highland accent :) Irish gals are just great all around... A couple that I think are neat are the New Zealand and South African - kind of different.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 11:41 am
by Rob-hin
What is it with scotisch and irisch accents?
Everybody seems to like em! I don't see what's so special about them.

As I said before, the women from Hot Shots, she has an mix of eccents from all of European contries. Her voice is soooo sexy.! :D