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Power-Stone machine in Netherese ruins in SotU

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:50 pm
by mdewitt42
Does anyone know all, or at least some, of the combinations of ingredients and their numbers for the strange machine next to the Sphinx's room?

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:45 am
by Roderick
I don't know the combinations, but I know that the columns in the room tell you what will happen when you put different ingredients. I'll give you a hint about some of the combinations. Ask the Sphinx, but first you have to use the "Stone to flesh" spell on him.(oh, you can also look at the walkthrough for SoU).

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:38 am
by anarchistica

Code: Select all

Component      |   Left Urn (Defensive)     |    Right Urn (Offensive)
  Belladonna     | 6 Haste                    |  4 Slow
  Slaad Tongue   | 6 Energy Buffer            | 10 Kill, Save vs Death DC14
  Dragon's Blood | 1 Greater Stoneskin        |  1 Gust of Wind
  Fairy Dust     | 1 Improved Invisibility    |  1 Stun
  Ruby           | 1 Spell Mantle             |  1 Flame Arrow
                 | 3 Greater Spell Mantle     |  3 Multiple Flame Arrow