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Question about Wrye Mash
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:28 pm
by metallordofhell
After reading a thread on here comparing Morrowind and Oblivion, I got an urge to start playing morrowind again only this time with some mods. So i downloaded Wrye Mash to make sure all the mods i dled were in order and what not but I'm a bit confused on the whole color scheme stuff on the load list.
On the Wrye Mash site it says:
• Green: The master file is in order compared to the other files in the master list, but is out of order compared to the files in the current load list.
• Blue: The master file is synced, has the right size and is in the right order.
I'm not sure if its just me but I have no clue what the description for green is supposed to mean. Right now all the mods on my load list are green. Is that alright or do I need to have them all be blue?
Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 7:38 am
by fable
Green means that a mod has had its loading order changed since the time your master list of mods was compiled by Wrye Mash. You'll need to resync both to create a new master list, and to make sure that particular mod is still completely compatible in its current location with everything else. (For example, if you moved it after a dependent mod, it would cause problems.)
Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:09 pm
by metallordofhell
OK, I tried resyncing them but they all stay green. Even if I take all the mods off, leaving the Morrowind, Tribunual, and Bloodmon esms, it stays green. Ive been sycning them by changing the Date of the esm/esp or is that the wrong way to do it? I'm assuming Morrowind.esm would have to load first, Tribunual.esm 2nd, bloodmoon.esm third, and all mods coming after in whichever order they work.
I also noticed I have some mods, all being esm, highlighted in blue (the box is green but the mod name has a light blue background). Does that mean anything important or does that just show which files are esm?
Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:30 pm
by fable
Try the "Load Masters" option. That should handle it.
Have you read the instructions, which are
here? They've pretty thorough.
Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:50 pm
by metallordofhell
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Load Masters option only for saved games? I have a fresh install with no saved games. I think what you think I'm talking about is the load list that appears in the "Saves" tab when a saved game is selected. What I mean to be talking about is the list of mods located in the "Mods" tab.
I decided to just run the game and see how things worked out. It loaded fine and I saved after the little character creation intro to see if anything changed on wrye mash. Everything in the mods tab is still green but the load list that appears when I select my saved game is all in blue. So is it alright that everything is green in the mods tab?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 5:52 am
by fable
If the mod were causing problems, it would be orange or red. Since it's green, Load Masters reconciles the mod with the loading order of the rest of your mods. Did you check to see what it does on the link I provided? It's very useful.