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BG@ Mac not recognizing discs

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:57 pm
by Cuchulain82
I recently re-installed BG@ SOA and TOB onto a new mac, and [url=""]it was a real pain[/url]. Just when I thought everything was copacetic, I've got a new problem: whenever I have to change discs, my computer locks up. It doesn't recognize the new disc, and there's no way to get out of the "Please insert Disc X" window.

Has anyone encountered and gotten around this issue?

Edit- The title should be "BG2" not "BG@"... sorry about the shift-mistake

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:45 am
by wise grimwald
I haven't got Mac but in windows, if you do a full install, you only have to have the TOB disc in the driver when you play. I would have thought that the same was true with Mac. Doing a full install might solve your problem.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:44 am
by Cuchulain82
Thanks for the reply, grimwald!

I was actually able, with the help of the folks over at [url=""]pocketplane group[/url] to figure out a workaround. I had done a full install, as per your suggestion, but I was still getting asked for disks. So I opened up my baldur.ini folder and looked under the "Alias" section. It looked like this:

Code: Select all

CD1:=Baldur's Gate II CD 1:CD1:
CD2:=Baldur's Gate II CD 2:CD2:
CD3:=Baldur's Gate II CD 3:CD3:
CD4:=Baldur's Gate II CD 4:CD4:
I deleted some text, as per [url=",25499.0.html"]their recommendations[/url], and made it look like this:

Code: Select all

That seems to have solved everything! It is no longer asking for discs, and I've been playing like crazy! Good times! :D

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:32 pm
by Tower_Master
Hope you'll all excuse the bump, instead of me creating a new thread -

As a BGII lover who, unfortunately, just switched over to Mac for school reasons, I'm curious to know - how functional, exactly, is our beloved Bioware series on Apple machines? I've ready that the new Intel Duo Core processors that Macs come with today respond poorly to the PowerPC processors that you use, Cuch - does anyone know the truth behind this / have any experience or possible solutions? I do so miss the glory that comes with snuggling up to a miniature giant space hamster. :(

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:20 am
by Cuchulain82
Jeez, I don't know the answer to that, Tower_Master. In fact, I'm not even sure what you're asking.

BG2 runs great on my machine now, after I figured all that stuff out and turned off spotlight updating on the BG2 folder. However, as you mentioned, I don't have an intel Mac.

Generally, BG2 on a Mac is not as good as a PC, if only because there are fewer mods available. With that said, the game is so big that it still is great to play. I started again and I'm playing a Swashbuckler(10)->Mage, and it is tons of fun. I wrote post after post here talking about how F/Th, multi- or dual-classed, were superior to all other classes. I still think that's true, but switching up my character class has opened up the game to me again.

Here's my $0.02- if you have a Windows OS on your machine, try using your old PC disks and installing it on the new Mac. Whether or not that works, that's the cheapest starting point. Also, consider posting over at [url=""]the pocket plane group[/url]. They are the most up to date about BGII stuff.