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My new build, please read and comment:
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:33 pm
by Klorox
I've had a little dilema recently. I really don't want to use the non-Jedi NPCs when I'm able to. I am playing a Star Wars game, and I want to use those cool Force Powers!
I also dislike the very unrealistic "Switch Character" option, so I'm starting to think that maybe my solution here is to have a smarter (INT 14) character, and just try to learn the important skills myself.
Sure, CC'ing Computers and Repair will result in a kinda low score anyway, but it's cooler with my Scoundrel/Guardian to do it all himself.
I'm thinking of doing this:
STR 14
DEX 14
CON 10
INT 14
WIS 14
CHA 12
I know my Persuade suffers, but since I'll be maxing it, it'll be higher than any non-Scoundrel anyway. As a Guardian, I know lowering CHA from 14 to 12 hurts FP as well, but I would have had the lowest in my party anyway. Since I plan on concentrating on only 2 NPCs anyway, this allows more force powers since I will have 2 Jedi NPCs instead of 1 and 1 skilled NPC.
I'm thinking about using Bastila and Jolee, although I'd consider using Juhani instead of Bastila.
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:32 pm
by shift244
Uhmm... unless I'm wrong, Computer and Repair skills merely serve to lower down the number of Spikes or Parts needed when using the skill for a certain task. If you are a little more patient with Pazaak and/or sufficiently skilled in swoop racing, cash should not be a problem and you can find these items relatively cheap in unlimited supplies at most (if not all) shops. The total cost over the long run may be a little high, but I do not think will be prohibitive.
Not to mention that you have items that boosts these skills (quite significantly), and since you have a unlimitedly large inventory, you can save the best combos of these you can equip on yourself by swapping them as needed.
Also, if you do not already know, some who are willing to follow you are truly experts of their line and may build you little tools like this if you are really low on them. It's a hassle, but may save you some cash over the long run if you are really exhausting them like water in a bucket full of holes.
One last thing... if you are not using the auto-level function and control what your team members learn/gain at level up, with two Jedis, you should be able to cover the skills (quite likely as class skills, no less!) that you are concerned about.
I would not suggest to follow the stat block you've put up at all in any case, since the engine is designed with some missing skills as compared to the full list in the original pen and paper rules set, the engine actually does not give you the full number of skill points at every level up. I may be in error on this, but I think I remember some party members and myself getting +/-X skill points at varying levels, which I believe is implemented to compensate for the smaller skill list. What this means, is that an Int bonus +1 is worthless and +2 may only be worth halve your current total levels, making Int the dump stat of choice instead of something to consider improving at all.
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:31 pm
by Klorox
shift244 wrote:
What this means, is that an Int bonus +1 is worthless and +2 may only be worth halve your current total levels, making Int the dump stat of choice instead of something to consider improving at all.
Yeah, and INT of 8 through 13 yeilds the same skill points for soldiers, guardians, and consulars (1). Pretty depressing. 14 grants a bonus.
Instead of doing this, I think I'm going with a Scoundrel/Guardian still, but using Zaalbar most of the time. His Repair and Computer Use skills are great, and I love him in a fight (but he is kind of boring). Maybe I'll take your advice, and just make sure I've got at least 1 SP in Computers and Repair, and just buy lots of spikes and parts. It might be better that way.
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:43 pm
by shift244
Yeah... Zaalbar is a little boring.... and you can get a fully upgraded vibro so early, he can own the field making the PC seem rather useless until later in the game; if you do not hold him back purposely.
As mentioned before, it is possible to use any of the Jedi and get them to focus on a single skill of choice by controlling their level-up manually. They quite often get 2 points per level, which should be easy enough to focus on any skill you would've otherwise want to pick up yourself. It basically only hurts when you are alone, but then, if you go with just 1 point to activate the skill, it'd pretty much be the same.
Jolee can easily take up Computers and Awareness. I do believe they are his class skills.
Bastilla has Repair I think, or Juhani can cross-class this easily enough.
You will then be free to max Persuade.
That covers those two skills; unless you have intention for Demolition or Heal or some other skill like Stealth....?
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:35 am
by GawainBS
You could use T3 for support skills; after all, a Droid is very much StarWars-esque.
Also, remember that only your personal Repair counts for HK-47, if you're intrested.
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:44 pm
by Klorox
Here's my updated character:
I'll be playing a Scoundrel 7/Guardian. Max my STR out. I'll either start with a 10 or 8 INT, and try to get at least 1 point in every skill. My reasoning behind that is to buy every skill boosting item I can find, and I'll just equip it when I need it.
As stated above, I can always buy/aquire from teammates more spikes and stuff to use.
If I can do all the skills, even poorly, I'll be able to use any teammate I'd like to at any time.
Of course, my second guessing myself tells me to boost that INT to 14 still, and then I'll have higher bases all around. But I'm going to resist for now.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:45 pm
by GawainBS
Sure about the high Scoundrel level?
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:13 pm
by Klorox
GawainBS wrote:Sure about the high Scoundrel level?
Oh yeah.
+4 Defense,
+7d6 Sneak Attack.
Extra Guardian Feat at level 13.
A 5/15 split isn't as good.
+2 defense
+5d6 Sneak
2 extra force powers
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:15 pm
by GawainBS
Just asked because you were so keen on Jedi's.
Are you going to dualwield? It would get more mileage out of Sneak Attack.
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:41 pm
by Klorox
GawainBS wrote:Just asked because you were so keen on Jedi's.
Are you going to dualwield? It would get more mileage out of Sneak Attack.
That's +14d6 on a Force Leap.
I should kill most things with the leap, because I'm maximizing STR the whole way also.
And if they don't die, my high STR + Master Critical Strike will lead to more Sneak Attacks.
Jolee being there to stun the baddies shouldn't hurt either.
I haven't decided on whether or not to evenly distribute my skills or not yet. I have half a mind to do it that way, but I also think Zaalbar fits this party well. He's a melee monster who can handle the computer and repair stuff for me. If I take Zaalbar, I'll max out Demolitions.
I guess I'm saying I just don't know what NPCs I want, other than Jolee for this character.
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:22 am
by shift244
Having a single point to activate skills like Repair would be enough if you're set on spamming the task with the required items until you succeed strategy. I would think putting whatever else into one skill to make most of it.
Oh, and Demolitions does not work with "item spamming" so you might not want to buy it at all. And I think Persuade is not useful unless you keep it reasonably high, which you would not apparently, and you will not be using Stealth (much) I would guess nor Security for that matter... not when blasting away things are much quicker and more rewarding!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:01 am
by GawainBS
Does Critical Strike trigger Sneak Attack? I didn't know. You probably figured to take Master Speed?
Oh, and I think a lvl 7 Scoundrel only does 4d6 Sneak, not 7d6. I may be mixing up Pen & Paper D&D here, but I don't think so.
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:46 am
by Klorox
shift244 wrote:Having a single point to activate skills like Repair would be enough if you're set on spamming the task with the required items until you succeed strategy. I would think putting whatever else into one skill to make most of it.
Oh, and Demolitions does not work with "item spamming" so you might not want to buy it at all. And I think Persuade is not useful unless you keep it reasonably high, which you would not apparently, and you will not be using Stealth (much) I would guess nor Security for that matter... not when blasting away things are much quicker and more rewarding!
What's "item spamming"? The only reason I considered maximizing Demolitions is because it's a class skill for Scoundrels. I could also go with Awareness. I'm not interested in maximizing Stealth or Security. And I definitely apologize for not mentioning it before, but I am maximizing Persuasion. I know it's the only skill that only my character can do.
GawainBS wrote:Does Critical Strike trigger Sneak Attack? I didn't know. You probably figured to take Master Speed?
Oh, and I think a lvl 7 Scoundrel only does 4d6 Sneak, not 7d6. I may be mixing up Pen & Paper D&D here, but I don't think so.
Critical Strike can cause the enemy to become stunned. If you're stunned, you take the sneak attack damage.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic @ GameBanshee
You're right, a level 7 Scoundrel does 4d6 SA damage. My bad.
The Speed tree will be completed ASAP, as it should for any Guardian.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:55 am
by GawainBS
Remember to check for Keen crystals ---> more crits.
IIRC, it's easier to boost DEX than STR, due to more DEX items, so maybe being DEX based is more worth it? Better to hit and defense, while I never found damage to be a problem in KotORI, especially not with your SA kicking in. But STR determines your stun effect from crits...
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:44 am
by Klorox
I'm sticking with the STR boosting stuff, but I'll also boost DEX when I can (with items). Given a choice between the two, STR comes first for me.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:34 pm
by shift244
"Item spamming" is a quicker term I had hoped would intuitively refer to the suggestions to spend maximum amount of spikes/parts for hacking/repair skill checks for having naught but a single point in the skill to activate it... :laugh:
If you're going with the stunning effects from Critical strike, then you would want a high STR just so it's easier to score those stuns. The DEX build would have to rely on Power Attack to ramp up damage without stunning, but would effectively render sneak attacks to your initial Jump attacks. The DEX built would probably have about 6AC (give or take, I'm going by feel rather than actual maths on this; due to the same starting skill and a +2 overall advantage from attribute points gained from level up plus with approximately +4 from items on average) not a bad trade-off for +6 damage per hit, which if all attacks hits factor in as +24 in one round!
You might get hit easier, but you kill thin out mobs fast enough to make a difference... what with Push/Stun powers to top off and keep the crowd from having a chance at hitting in the first place!
As for items to boost DEX, I really doubt so... STR items use the same slots and I would think you'd be wanting a STR item if you can get one over a DEX one.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:50 pm
by Klorox
shift244 wrote:
As for items to boost DEX, I really doubt so... STR items use the same slots and I would think you'd be wanting a STR item if you can get one over a DEX one.
Is there a +5 STR implant? (I know there's one for DEX). Even if that's the only DEX boost I use (and I'll probably use the belt for the +4 Saves in addition to the +2 DEX over the STR belt).
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:34 am
by shift244
No... I do believe that the STR implant maxes out lower than the DEx one... but then, if you go DEX for items, you will end up with above avg STR and DEX, but neither will be spectacular. If you're going for STR, it might be worthwhile to consider +3 STR over +5 DEX.
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:21 pm
by Caden
There aren't any implants that increase your strength so you may want to completely ignore those features. Although, level 1 implants will allow you to wear the implant that increases your INT by 1 and with an ally casting Master Valor on you, you will get a total of +6 INT. Which will boost your repair skill by 3 points for that HK-47 sidequest. When I play this build, I do get level 1 implants just for that reason, but I don't get the other levels of implants.
Trying to focus on strength and dexterity will lower your damage, chance to stun, and chance to hit. I suggest focusing on STR alone to increase those 3 things. If you do plan to get level 3 implants, it will be a nice excuse to increase your dex. That is if you can spare the feature points.