Quest Information |
Starting Location: Meridia's Shrine |
Starting NPC: Basil Ernarde |
Possible Reward(s): Ring of Khajiiti |
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This particular Daedric quest requires you to be at least level 10 to begin it. Once you meet that requirement, pay a visit to Meridia's Shrine located not far to the west of Skingrad. Basil Ernarde is the guy you want to talk with here, and he reveals that Meridia only answers to an offering of undead remains -
Mort Flesh, or
Ectoplasm. These ingredients can be found on the corpses of any variant of skeleton, zombie, or ghost, so you most likely already have a few in your inventory at this point in the game.
When you present any one of the three different offerings to the Lady of Infinite Energies, she will speak to you and ask that you destroy a group of Necromancers residing in the Howling Cave. These Necromancers have been stealing from graves in order to raise an undead army, and Meridia wants them and their abominations wiped out. "Do this," she says, "and earn the gratitude of Meridia."
Howling Cave is east of Skingrad near the heart of County Skingrad. Your journal states that you can reach the Necromancers via a secret door at the back of the cave, but this is a bit misleading. You'll actually be entering the cave through its main entrance, but will reach a hidden door within the cave itself. You'll know you're heading in the right direction when you start encountering undead in the cave rather than the standard rats and crabs that inhabit the rest of the cave. When you reach a deadend, the stone wall before you will sink into the earth and reveal a wooden door leading to the Lower Galleries.
You'll be entering battle as soon as you zone in to the second level. There are three Necromancers to kill in the initial chambers, and then two more as you make your way through the back tunnels. There are a handful of undead protecting the area, as well, so you'll definitely want to be prepared before charging through. If you haven't already done the
Malacath quest, grab the
Troll Fat from the table off to the left of the entrance. You'll be glad you did. When the entire level as been cleaned out, head back up to the surface and return to Meridia's Shrine.
For making the Necromancers pay for their actions, Meridia rewards you with the
Ring of Khajiiti. The ring's Chameleon effect and Speed enhancement should come in very handy when subterfuge is needed in the future.