

The Blessing of Talos
Quest Information
Starting Location: Anvil (opposite the Chapel)
Starting NPC: "The Prophet"
Possible Reward(s): The Blessing of Talos spell

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This is part of the Knights of the Nine add-on; the first part of the quest is simply to speak to a weird prophet who is ranting away across the road from the chapel in Anvil, and invite him to come to the Priory of the Nine. This part of the quest is called "Blessing of Talos". (You need to have completed the recovery of all eight of the Crusader's Relics before this quest is offered).

When you get back to the Priory, you will find the Prophet preaching to the knights, who are now completely loyal to you.

Just go straight up to the Prophet, and talk to him. He will grant you a spell called the Blessing of Talos. He'll also tell you that an evil magician called Umaril, who is your sworn enemy, is to be found in the ruins of Garlas Malatar. This he will mark on your map.