Welcome to the Deus Ex Augmentations section!
Augmentations, along with Skills, Inventory and multiple solutions to objectives, help put Deus Ex into the RPG category. Within many of the missions, you'll come across augmentation canisters. Each canister must be installed at a medbot and contains one of two augmentations, both for a specific body part. Below is a listing of all the augmentations with the word "or" between those found in the same canister. For example, for your torso, you can install three augmentation canisters, each having two possibilities. Thus, you can have three distinct abilities for your torso. Subdermal you can have two installed. You begin the game with three pre-installed augmentations: Infolink, IFF and Light.
In addition to augmentations, there are augmentation upgrade canisters to be found in nearly every mission. Finding these is the only way to upgrade the effectiveness of your augmentations, but do not have to be installed at a medbot; they can be installed on the augmentation screen.
Simply click the picture of the augmentation to bring up its description.
Augmentations: Standard
 Infolink |
 IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) |
 Light |
Augmentations: Cranial
 Aggressive Defense System |
OR |
 Spy Drone |
Augmentations: Eyes
 Targeting |
OR |
 Vision Enhancement |
Augmentations: Torso
 Aqualung |
OR |
 Environmental Resistance |
 Regeneration |
OR |
 Energy Shield |
 Synthetic Heart |
OR |
 Power Recirculator |
Augmentations: Arms
 Combat Strength |
OR |
 Microfibral Muscle |
Augmentations: Subdermal
 Ballistic Protection |
OR |
 EMP Shield |
 Cloak |
OR |
 Radar Transparency |
Augmentations: Legs
 Run Silent |
OR |
 Speed Enhancement |