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Companion: Carver
Name: Carver Hawke

Class: Two-Handed Weapon Warrior

Description: Strong and strapping, Carver is a skilled warrior set on proving himself, although it's not always clear who he is trying to impress. The son and sibling of mages, he grew up surrounded by magic he couldn't truly understand -- and he feels like something was expected that he could never deliver. He cares deeply for his family, but sometimes feels like the stupidest person in the room.

Carver foundered in Lothering. He blamed his lack of direction on not wanting to draw attention to his family of apostates at home. After his father died, he started down a military path; however, the Blight and rout at Ostagar ended this career almost before it could start. While he knows that swift flight was the only reasonable course in the face of the darkspawn advance, he almost would rather have stood and fought. Doomed though the effort was, facing the horde had purpose -- something Carver has been searching for.

Location: Carver will join you at the start of the game.

Starting Abilities: Pommel Strike

Default Weapon:
Default Armor:
Armor Upgrades:
Friendship / Rivalry (+/-):

-5Outside Lothering (Prologue) Automatically gained when you meet up with Aveline and Wesley.
-5 or +10Lowtown (Act I) During the quest Tranquility, allow Carver to talk to the refugees outside Lirene's shop (+10), or threaten the refugees (-5).
-5Darktown (Act I) During the quest Tranquility, when you talk to Anders in his clinic, tell him "I help all my fellow mages."
-5Lowtown (Act I) During the quest Bait and Switch, agree to work with Anso.
±15Gamlen's House (Act I) During the quest Family History, tell Carver "Ser Maurevar was a good one" or "Then it suits you" (+15), or ask him "More whining?" (-15).
(Act I)
During the quest Long Way Home, when Merrill removes the barrier, respond using the good stance.
-5Dead Man's Pass (Act I) At the start of the quest Blackpowder Promise, tell Javaris that his plan is weak.
+5The Blooming Rose (Act I) During the quest Enemies among Us, interrogate Idunna and then kill her.
±5Sanctuary (Act I) During the quest Enemies Among Us, when you talk to Keran, announce that you're going to tell the templars (+5), or tell Keran that he might be possessed and then allow him to leave (-5).
-5The Blooming Rose (Act I) After talking to Jethann for the quest The First Sacrifice, sleep with him.
+5Hightown (Act I) At the start of the quest Loose Ends (Athenril version), refuse to help Athenril.
-10Hightown (Act I) At the start of the quest Loose Ends (Athenril version), agree to help Athenril.
+10Hightown (Act I) During the quest Loose Ends (Athenril version), let Pryce have the goods and then tell Athenril the truth.
+5 or -10The Docks (Act I) During the quest Loose Ends (Meeran version), kill Harimann after learning the truth (-10) or let Harimann go (+5).
+5Lowtown (Act I) At the end of the quest Loose Ends (Meeran version), let Harimann go and tell Meeran the truth about it.
±5Viscount's Keep (Act I) At the start of the quest Unbidden Rescue, accept the bounty from Seneschal Bran (+5), or refuse (-5).
±5Viscount's Keep (Act I) At the end of the quest Unbidden Rescue, say "This is clearly not my affair" or "Saemus is right to question" (+5), or say one of the other responses (-5).
-5Ruined Passage (Act I) During the quest Magistrate's Orders, take Kelder into custody.
+5Vimmark Mountain Pass (Act I) During the quest Shepherding Wolves, refuse to give up Ketojan.
+5Petrice's Safehouse (Act I) At the end of the quest Shepherding Wolves, tell Petrice "Just pay me."
-5Gallows Courtyard (Act I) At the end of the quest An Errant Letter, blackmail Thrask.
+10 or -5Darktown (Act I) During the quest Wayward Son, let Fenris interrogate Danzig and then kill Danzig (+10) or let Danzig go (-5).
±10Slaver Caverns (Act I) During the quest Wayward Son, send Feynriel to the Dalish elves (-10) or to the Circle (+10).
±10Runaways' Cavern (Act I) During the quest Act of Mercy, force the apostate mages to join the Circle (+10) or agree to kill Ser Thrask (-10).
±5Wounded Coast Approach (Act I) At the end of the quest Act of Mercy, if you convinced the mages to return to the Circle, hand them over to Karras (+5) or help them fight (-5).
+5Lowtown (Act I) At the end of the quest Friends in Low Places, accept Dougal's deal.
+10 or -15Hightown (Act I) At the start of the quest The Deep Roads Expedition, agree to take Carver with you (+10), or leave him home (-15).
+5Ancient Crypt (Act I) At the end of the quest The Deep Roads Expedition, take Carver to the Grey Wardens.

Companion Notes:
  • If you're playing a rogue or a warrior, then Carver will die during the prologue.