

Magic Talents: Healing
Balm of Healing
Spell Type: General Cast Time: 3 Target: Friend
Category: Healing Range: 7.5m Upgrade Category: C

Associated Attributes: Charisma, Cleverness, Intuition

Effect: Heals 2D6 + (5 x modifier) VP, heals wounds according to modifier, cannot heal critical wounds

Spell Cost: 10 + modifier

Modifiers Gained: Every 4 levels

Modification: Allows the spell to heal a number of wounds equal the amount of the modifier; if the target has more wounds than that, none are healed

Description: Depending on the number of modifiers used, this powerful spell can heal all of the target's wounds and injuries.

Calm Body, Calm Spirit
Spell Type: General Cast Time: 1 Target: Friend
Category: Healing Range: 3.5m Upgrade Category: B

Associated Attributes: Charisma, Cleverness, Constitution

Effect: Restores (1 + SP*/4) AP, VP, and EP per sec for 10 sec, converts critical wounds to regular wounds

Spell Cost: 13

Modifier: No

Description: The spell target falls into a deep, refershing sleep, from which he or she will awake, recovered from his or her wounds, in a short time.

Clarum Purum
Spell Type: General Cast Time: 1 Target: Friend
Category: Healing Range: 7.5m Upgrade Category: D

Associated Attributes: Charisma, Cleverness, Cleverness

Effect: Removes poisons and makes the target immune to poison for a short period of time

Spell Cost: 5

Modifier: No

Description: All toxic substances in the target's bloodstream are magically dissipated, thereby halting the poisoning process.