

Pickpocketed Items
Collecting Ears

In Port Lhast, a man named Kendrack gives you a quest to collect him the ears of escaped criminals. Accept the quest and go collect an ear or two. The more the better but don't get all of them or the quest will be over and you will be out of luck. Give Kendrack an ear and then persuade him for more money. I get rid of all the ears this way and then pickpocket them back. The guy is so stupid that he will keep taking the ears and giving you gold and experience. I believe it is 150xp and 375? gold per ear. If you've collected a few ears this adds up. To tell you the truth, I was getting a little dissapointed with the pickpocket ability up to this point. All I get from people is like 5gp most the time. 375gp is a whole lot better.

Submitted By: Kelly Riley

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