
I suppose it's a bit late to warn you about spoilers. SHODAN appears as the final boss of System Shock 2, found in her own cyberspace-made-real paradise. Like the Brain of the Many, SHODAN requires you to take down a shield projected in front of her, but rather than hordes of Rumblers, you'll have to contend with a holographic SHODAN Avatar projection, which chases you around the arena, as well as floating data packets that waft about.
Attributes: High damage, fast attack speed, stationary/fast movement speed (Avatar)
Weaknesses: N/A
Common Loot: N/A
Strategy: Note that you must have a ranged weapon to fight SHODAN. As the final boss, she definitely lives up to her reputation as a deadly foe. She has a number of different attacks, ranging from firing energy blasts, to super-heating the floor you stand on, and all the while, her Avatar chases you about like a headless chicken. There are two strategies to follow. The first is to simply run from the Avatar and fire as many shots as you can at her shields until they fall one-by-one, but their resilience makes that possible only if you have a lot of ammo to burn. The second is to hack the four terminals around the arena, which will each bring down some of her shields. Either way, once you have an opening, fire everything you have in her direction, and she'll quickly fall. Enjoy the ending cinematic!