The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut September 10 Patch
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1590

Following the release of the extended “Director's Cut” of The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep, inXile Entertainment brings us a new patch for the game that addresses some of the most commonly reported issues introduced by the recent major update. Here are the patch notes:
This update is live now! Please follow the inXile forums for known issues and updates on patch releases.
Quest & ProgressionGraphics/Performance
- Fixed an issue where the user is not given the Wildland Whistle at the Adventurers’ Guild after disabling Party Chatter
- Fixed collision around certain puzzles and ledges that were allowing the player to fall out of bounds in certain circumstances
- Fixed messaging for when the player does not have a lockpick in their inventory they will not be informed about it being required to open locked doors
- Added various art optimizations, collision, and asset loading improvements
- Improved performance when player opens and closes inventory windows
- Grass is now once again growing in the Forest of Inshriach
- (PC) Improved NPC shadows and fixed High and Ultra shadow settings
- (PC) Lighting adjusted throughout Skara Brae Above, Skara Brae Below, and The Cellars of Kylearan's Tower
- (Xbox One and PS4) Improved framerate in various levels
- Fixed an issue where rapidly issuing commands may cause one of the spaces on the combat grid to become locked
- Fix for Forceful Wave attack that may cause the character's position to get out of sync
- Fixed certain issues where charging specific enemies could result in players getting stuck on the environment or produce a misaligned combat grid
- Fixed an issue where loading an auto save created before a combat animatic could stop the following combat from occurring
- Fixed an issue where enemies could fail to launch Mangar’s Mind Jab
- (Linux) Fixed an issue where enemies in any combat could respawn after reloading the level
- Removed the Save Game option during animatics
- Fixes and improvements for various party chatter moments
- Fixed issues where using songs to quickly solve multiple puzzles could cause the puzzles to break
- Fixed an issue where translation was missing for the 2nd riddle statue in Kylearan's tower
- Fixed an issue in Mangar’s Tower where subtitles and VO would fail when ghosts were summoned and interacted with for the first time
- Fixed an issue where music from loading screen would play during gameplay after a load or level transition
- Fixed various minor audio issues
- (PC) Fixed an issue where using the 'Esc' key to close the Mastery Book could break its intended functionality
- (PC Microsoft Store) Fixed issues with signing in and syncing saves
- (Mac and Linux) Fixed an issue where all load-game story videos were missing
- (Linux) Fixed an issue where Rabbie's speech did not have voice or subtitles
- Fixed a possible crash during the 99-wave combat
- Fixed a possible crash when using the Dragon Breath ability