In addition to having your name "immortalized" on this prominent page and receiving our absolute gratitude, anyone who contributes $50 or more will have the fantasy-themed name of their choice scrawled into the game itself and receive a custom Project Eternity badge on the GameBanshee Forums that will last, well, for eternity. Contribute $100 or more, and we'll even send you a custom mousepad featuring an exclusive GameBanshee "Immortalizer" logo. On top of that, we will be receiving a large number of digital copies of Project Eternity as part of the pledge reward, and every single copy that we receive will be randomly distributed among those people who have contributed.
So if you've enjoyed the content here on GameBanshee in any of the 12+ years that we've existed, please consider donating to this cause to help us secure one of the top pledge tiers on the Project Eternity Kickstarter and to show the publishers of the world that fans of old-school role-playing games are more than willing to spend some hard-earned money when they're not being shoveled yet another console-friendly action RPG.

Simone Lerch Joshua Duncan Guillaume Laurent Stig Beite Løken Rylan Duivestein Daniel Oakland Alex Galea Mikael Tuxen Gavin Hill Martin Tomlinson Dominik Rzepa Bryce Johnston Douglas LeBeau Charles Clerc Hans Hadinata Benjamin Kristensen John Sims Petr Kodolov Philip Linsen Pavlos Papalamprou Rick Creativeblox Andreas Hjelm Shaun Ferry Jonas Veekhoven Roman Kalik Eero Salonen Jesse Willard John Conlon Calen L. Yellow Robe Kelly Greger Mahir Ilgaz 龑 谢 Petr Bartoš Richard LeBeau Jack Peters Jakob Battelino Prelog Petr Kelbl Nick Hove Ralf Herrmann Paul Web3box Benoit Delain Nir First John Williamson Max Schulz Timothy Greenwood Paul Marzagalli Jeremy Priest Justin Turner Timothy Fitzgerald Neil Cook Clay Keller Simon Varley | Kirill Chepurin Mino Marani Steffen Brøchner John Graham Thierry Escure Lorenz Pollak Nick Schweitzer Timothy Garrett Julien Vandenbosch Risto-Matti Pulkkinen Rasmus Riemer Jakobsen Ryan McBride Mariya Peycheva Kael Hollowell Pablo Fernandez Castro Marc Borella Jill Birnbaum Kris De Troch David Berube Stan Ushumirskiy Nigel Ambler Brynjar Sigurðsson Nhat Tran Aaron Cole Claudio Petitto Lars-Christian Selland James Herbert Teppo Pölönen Alexander Nordenbring Hilary Lindler Dennis Daugherty Sankalp Singh Alexander Glesmann Lynn Edey Andreas Wenzel Milena Davoli Per Sjödén Shaun Ferry Monrad Sune Kjærbo Michael Cipriano Denver TenBroek Adam Walton Joonas Kettunen Ján Lukáš Isabelle Imreh Benjamin Geddes Mr S Noel Fong Ben Robert Yarrington Jon Erlend Bordøy Rustin Lovewell Cole Schonhofer Robert Taylor |