Sanya Introduces Herself

Sanya Thomas (Tweety) was over at the Camelot Vault Boards saying "Hi!" to the DAoC Community. Here's the post she made:
Just ducking in to say hey, and let you all know what my posting name on these boards would be.

This is going to be a heck of a ride, I can see that coming. But it's like a rollercoaster - if you don't throw up on my neck, we're going to have a good time.

(Edit - forgot to sign my name!)

Internet Relations Manager, Mythic Entertainment
You can find the thread here.

Also, Matt Firor hit the boards after someone made a comment, again, on "Tweety" being hired. Here's a snippet of what he said:
Sanya's job is simple: she is the ombudsman for Mythic. Her job is bring concerns of the community at large (meaning you) to our (meaning the developers) attention. In order to facilitate this, she will be reading various fan site boards, play the game a lot, and generally have her finger on the pulse of what you guys are thinking about the game.
You can find the rest of his post here (scroll to the bottom).