Deus Ex: Human Revolution Previews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1324
We approached a part in the demo where Adam had to get into a bar. This is where we saw choice come in. The bouncer in the demo made Adam pay to get in the bar luckily he was pretty loaded. However, when the bouncer offered him in if he payed, it brought up a choice of selection. He could have said no. He could have instead either shot the bouncer, fought him, found a back alley entrance, get clues about how to get in from NPCs. basically, there are a lot of ways to go about things in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. We see the same occur when Adam tries to get information out of a bartender. The Eidos guy demoing fails and must pursue another way in finding this information.Filefront.
Once inside, the scene was gritty, dark and very realish, in a Gibson-Meets-Star Wars kind of way. Eventually you make your way to a bartender who is entirely uncooperative. The dialogue for that scene was pure noir and pure WIN. Sample lines include potboiler magic like (don't try to bullshit a bullshitter) and (forget it gweilo, this isn't your town.) Awesome. The demo operator failed to get access to the club's mobster owner, so he snuck around the back and underside of the club, showing off the game's stealth system. The game switches to third person when you're in cover, or sneaking around a corner. And no disappearing corpses when the main character took out a guard to cover his tracks, he had to hide the body in a nearby corner. Neat!G4 TV.
Demo closed with a show stopper: A battle between Jensen and a huge robot in a warehouse. To show off the weapon customization, Adam adds heat-seeking ability to his rocket launcher and blasts the 'bot with a missile while crouching behind cover. Like the rest of the demo, the ending was very impressive.