The Saga of Lucimia - A New Group-based High-fantasy MMORPG
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With a lot of prominent MMORPGs letting you tackle most of their content solo these days, certain titles, like Visionary Realms’ Pantheon, seem to push back against this idea and instead focus on group play.
The Saga of Lucimia is another such game. Currently going through the third stage of its closed alpha, the game is described as a group-based, high-fantasy MMORPG that combines rich storylines with elements of classic tabletop RPGs and the earlier forms of dungeon-based, community-oriented MMORPGs.
Right now, the developers are targeting Q4 2021 as the game’s release date, but you can already get a taste of what it has to offer by pre-ordering and getting access to the alpha, and later the beta.
Here’s an excerpt from the game’s FAQ to give you a better idea of what to expect:
What is the Saga of Lucimia?
The Saga of Lucimia is a group-based, high-fantasy MMORPG. It combines rich storylines with elements of classic tabletop RPGs and the earlier forms of dungeon-based, community-oriented MMORPGs. Think early EverQuest, early EverQuest II (prior to the combat revamp), or vanilla World of Warcraft.
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What do you mean when you say group-based?
Think about Dungeons & Dragons or any tabletop setting; the vast majority of sessions aren’t just one person sitting at a table with a Dungeon Master. Rather, the most fun is had when you are sitting around with a group of friends sharing in adventures together over sessions that last several hours and span the course of weeks, months, and even years as you and your partners embody the heroes that undertake epic adventure after epic adventure in the worlds they inhabit.
Ours is a team-based MMORPG where the best rewards in terms of adventure, storyline and gear, come from overcoming challenging content that is experienced with a team of your best friends and allies by your side. We are, in every literal sense, a tabletop game with a digital skin.
What size will groups be?
We are focusing on an 8-man party system. Small group content is designed for 2-4 players, with medium-sized content spread out across the overland for groups of 4-6 players. Well-geared and skilled players may be able to solo some content, but only in the areas close by outposts and cities; dungeons will require full groups to work through. Other encounters will require raid forces.
What size will raids groups be?
While nothing is set in stone at this point, we anticipate x2 and x3 raid raid content (16 players and 24 players, respectively).
What do you mean, “challenge-based”?
Challenge means different things to different people. For us, it starts with group-based content.
If you make the decision to leave the safety of town and its guards, it’s not a decision you should be making lightly. While there are little things you can do on your own just outside of outposts and cities in micro-sessions of 30 minutes to 1.5 hours (gather pelts and harvesting supplies, take on small bandit outposts, etc.), the further you go afield, the less civilized the world is, and the more dangerous things become.
Think early EverQuest. You can head out on your own, harvest a few things, craft a bit, kill a few mobs close to town within the safety of the guards, but if you want to hit up Orc Hill you’ll need 3-4 other players, and if you want to head into Crushbone and handle the Throne Room, you’ll need a full group.
You need a well-balanced group of adventurers to handle whatever you might come across in the wild. You need gear. You need supplies. Bandages. Potions. Scrolls. A pack mule. Rope. Never leave home without a good length of rope.
Each session is an excursion, not an afternoon stroll down to the river to pick daffodils for your sweetheart or mum.
What is the story of the game?
The Saga of Lucimia is based on a tabletop campaign world which creative director Tim Anderson created in the late 90s and enhanced and DMed for more than a decade. Check out the lore page, and read the first novel in the series, Echoes of the Past, for more information.
What about classes?
The Saga of Lucimia features an ability-based adventuring system. Players have the option to choose their own combination of Masteries (groupings of abilities) at character creation (as well as uncover more throughout exploring the world around them), thus creating a completely unique, class-less character based upon the concept they choose to pursue.
Only a handful of Masteries are available at character creation. If you want to truly become a force to be reckoned with, you’ll have to find the rest of the Masteries and abilities available in the game world via exploration. Some can be found on advanced trainers in the darkest corners of the world. Others will be found in the depths of dungeons, looted from the most challenging of boss mobs and raid encounters. Others still can only be earned through completing questlines, while others still will require you to have the proper faction in order to aquire.
The only limitation on what type of character you can create is you and your imagination!