Arcanity Interview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1043
Q: What will make Arcanity different from other online role-playing games?
A: Well, lots of things I hope. Our priority is to create a world that encourages role-playing more than the others we've seen. We're doing a few things very differently from other games, hopefully not overly naively. For one, Arcanity is completely free of artificial restrictions as far as PVP [player-vs.-player], but there are lots of reasons not to PVP. Most of the upcoming games have limits on PVP, and in some you simply can't PVP at all. We're of the mindset that you should be able to do whatever you want and that our job is to provide consequences that should make you think twice.
We're trying to avoid artificial rules like "play nice" policies. If we need to implement rules of any sort, they'll be very minimal, and they won't be done by GMs, they'll be done by godly decree because that's how you role-play. If the GMs don't role-play, after all, who will?
We're also aiming to make GM "events" more like a regular part of the flow of the game rather than a special "event." GMs (called CMs in Arcanity) will really help shape the world and determine how things progress, and it will all be evident in game.
For more Arcanity, which is supposed to hit beta this spring, visit their Official Page.