Top 50 Games of All Time Continued
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Verant Interactive and Sony Online Entertainment took a pretty large gamble making their first stab at the still-fresh MMORPG genre. EverQuest's Brad McQuaid and his team took all the best pen and paper RPG experiences, combined with extensive knowledge of MUDs and made what is now the most popular, pay-per-month online game in the U.S. Well over 300,000 people regularly spend large amounts of time in the lands of Norrath, as EverQuest has proven to be ultra addictive and a great way to interactive with others. The drive behind the game proves to be too much for some, but there are plenty of RPGers out there who devote scary amounts of time to further their virtual adventurers. EQ continues to grow and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Hail, an_addicted_gamer00.