EverQuest Online Adventures Interview, Part One
Category: News ArchiveHits: 866
Q: How large are the available selections of classes and races, and to what extent to they match those in the PC online worlds?
A: In this age, we have 15 classes... the familiar assortment of melee-oriented ones (rogue, ranger, monk and bard), tank types (shadowknight, paladin and warrior), healers (cleric, shaman, and druid), and casters (enchanter, wizard, necromancer and magician). Alchemists round out the class list as a leather wearing, potion throwing, damage dealing mad scientist type. They're really quite unique and fun to play.
The races should be no surprise to EQ or EQII players; there are the good and righteous barbarians of Halas, dwarves of Moradhim, elves of Tethelin and Fayspire, humans of Qeynos and Surefall Glade, Halflings of Rivervale, and Erudites of Highbourne. On the other side of the coin, we have the evil Ogres of Oggok, the trolls of Grobb, and Dark Elves of Neriak. Bridging the gap is our more neutral gnomes of Klick'Anon and humans of Freeport.