Din's Curse Beta v0.901 Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1517
'¢ fixed npc name Cp;om (Cadfan)
'¢ change unique items to elite in manual
'¢ updated voices credit in manual
'¢ fixed a typo in Dynamic World section of manual (getter77)
'¢ merged setFakePlayer and SetFake
'¢ fixed back button size on internet screen
'¢ now skins change on Create Character screen for female (SharpCarlos)
'¢ keyboard type drop down now goes over mouse wheel action text
'¢ Din moves a little slower now
'¢ executable should exit a little faster now
'¢ mana regen bonus for wizard specialties now displays correctly (Cadfan/Farscry/jshar)
'¢ fixed ItemPowerGainMult
'¢ added highlight text that gender doesn't change gameplay (getter77)
'¢ made skill & item icon outlines more noticable (Aganazer)
'¢ added a desc for green town gates (Aganazer)
'¢ fixed weapon masteries on 2 handed weapons (Cadfan)
'¢ decreased town attack sound volume from 1.0 to 0.7 (asaguda)
'¢ increased ranger trap touch distance from 16.0 to 50.0 (Coreyh2)
'¢ many npcs now have higher resistances
'¢ rescue, escort, and delivery npcs are now tougher
'¢ main npcs are now tougher
'¢ cave-ins no longer show up on the mini-map (Wantonius)
'¢ Din can no longer be poisoned or petrified
'¢ fixed mail armor description (getter77)
'¢ removed max level for slice skill (getter77)
'¢ fixed AttackingOrSkillDisruptsEffect on prayer skill (getter77)
'¢ fixed replenish spelling (getter77)
'¢ fixed ice mage and magician potion/drink bonus text (getter77)
'¢ now damage over time spell effects tell you damage type (getter77)
'¢ fixed a typo in the archers description (getter77)
'¢ changed multishot to magical damage (getter77)
'¢ changed earthquake damage to physical (getter77)
'¢ identify all from vendors no longer applies to stashes and loot (getter77)
'¢ fixed undead beings typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed over the spoils typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed a few capitalization issues in npc chat (getter77)
'¢ fixed camouflaged spelling (getter77)
'¢ fixed They are more dangerous typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed vicious typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed merely dissolves typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed spreading their horrid typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed you'd think more typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed more vile typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed shadows are creatures typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed Changelings spelling (getter77)
'¢ fixed glad you came typo (getter77)
'¢ now petrify, plague, and deadly poisons quests verify monster has a quest item (SharpCarlos)
'¢ decreased orc shaman damage mult from 1.05 to 0.75 (involution)
'¢ made optional quests more obvious (involution/Cadfan)
'¢ decreased food/water supply poison multipliers
'¢ decreased food price multipliers for darkness machine, weather machine, and plagues (Cadfan)
'¢ decreased ExtraSetItemChance from 0.5 to 0.35
'¢ increased money, xp, and reputation rewards for rescue & escort quests (Ephemera)
'¢ decreased cave in damage per level from 5-10 to 3-7 (Cadfan)
'¢ now monsters that commit suicide notify quests correctly (Cadfan)
'¢ changed attribute/skill points left to green and increased size (Aganazer)
'¢ now build skill definitions in a way that doesn't rely on order as much
'¢ fixed flaming arrow, poison arrow, shock bolt, & multi-shot damage bonuses not working
'¢ fire mastery now also effects holy fire, lifeburn, flaming arrow, exploding arrow, and immolation trap (jshar)
'¢ cold mastery now also effects charged strike and freezing trap (jshar)
'¢ lightning mastery now also effects holy strike and shock bolt (jshar)
'¢ now extra set drops take into account level of items (jshar)
'¢ dungeons are sometimes a little brighter now (jshar)
'¢ can no longer use summoning altar multiple times (jshar)
'¢ increased reward chests magic chance by 200 (lekonish)
'¢ increased chest health from 5-10 to 6-12
'¢ increased door health from 3-7 to 5-10
'¢ decreased lock pick time from 3.0 to 1.5 (Aganazer)
'¢ decreased dark elf warrior slice attack critical bonus from 20.0 to 15.0 (incognoscente)
'¢ decreased dark elf assassin poison attack damage from 2 to 0.5 (incognoscente/Lyranaar/Aganazer)
'¢ increased quest min event time from 300.0 to 330.0
'¢ fixed cease to be amused typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed worse than darkness typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed ever were any typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed are vile beings typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed averse to metal typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed wards away evil typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed if you want a real potion typo (getter77)
'¢ fixed little flea typo (getter77)
'¢ decreased ambient spider speed from 100.0 to 50.0
'¢ decreased the number of leprechaun gold drops (same amount of gold though) (qt3 peterb/Flailsnail)
'¢ now save last used IP in Direct IP (jshar)
'¢ decreased monster VitalityPerLevel from 2.0 to 1.5
'¢ increased weapon damage by 10%
'¢ moved suggested level down a notch
'¢ aligned level suggestion stuff a bit better
'¢ fixed top row icon alignment on equipment screen
'¢ fixed player kills using wrong respawn time
'¢ increased base monster respawn time from 420.0 to 600.0
'¢ now respawn rate is more dynamic based on how fast you kill monsters
'¢ fixed a loading issue when running out of entities (Paul)
'¢ fixed a couple bugs with entity purging (Paul)
'¢ fixed town gate simplified name
'¢ made ghost and naga selection area smaller
'¢ made other monsters selection area larger (qt3 peterb)
'¢ decreased stored lightning looping sound volume a lot (Cadfan)
'¢ fixed keep on a look out issue (ShaggyMoose)
'¢ fixed gibberish spelling (ShaggyMoose)
'¢ fixed a spacing issue in uprising text (Cadfan)
'¢ fixed Exploding Arrow (Lyranaar/Aganazer)
'¢ evade skill now properly boosts evade instead of dodge (DeathKnight1728)
'¢ fixed 2 issues with shockwave stuns (jshar)
'¢ decreased shockwave stun chance from 0.5 to 0.25
'¢ net trap lasts longer per level now
'¢ net trap radius now works (DeathKnight1728)
'¢ improved net trap description
'¢ added effect to net and web status effects
'¢ fixed not getting credit for revenge quests if you don't have the quest when completed (Cadfan)
'¢ increased delivery times (Aganazer)
'¢ kill monsters and monster quest now checks to make sure goal monsters are valid (Aganazer)
'¢ escort npcs are now blind
'¢ delivery, rescue, and escort npcs are now way less aggressive (freykin)