Fable III Understone Quest Pack DLC Reviews
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Eurogamer gives it a 4/10:
So that's 400 Microsoft Points (£3.40 / €4.80) for a mission that certainly wouldn't make it into the game's ten best quests, and two other additions that are essentially little more than variations on ideas from Fable II. It's hardly a king's ransom, but the brevity of the quests and the lack of anything particularly new will still cause most Fable fans to feel royally ripped-off.
Go! Gaming Giant gives it a 6/10:
Once you have done all of that, you then get to.oh, wait.no, that's the end of it. I wish it weren't so, but the Understone Quest Pack takes under an hour to play to completion. You may be able to get a good solid hour if you dilly-dally a bit, but you'd be sucking the fun out of an adventure that so desperately needs it. This isn't to say that the sidequest itself is bad in fact, it's a good addition to the game but I would be hard-pressed to say that it is worth the 400 Microsoft Points, especially when it is utterly pointless for anyone who has already completed the main game. If, however, you aren't very far into your adventure and you have some extra points burning a hole in your virtual pocket, this may be worth consideration. Just don't expect to walk away very satisfied
And Xboxer360 gives it a 45%:
I am disappointed; it's as simple as that. We have a lovely new town to look at for all of five minutes, and some new people to massacre, and that sums it up. For 400msp this is lacking in content, and took a lot less time than the DLCs we grew used to in Fable 2. I'm still not entirely sure why this couldn't have just been in the game to begin with. The whole game, for me, has never been quite up to standard, and this is much of the same. I still enjoy the idea, but the love just wasn't in it from Lionhead's side.