Vampire: Bloodlines v5.2 Unofficial Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1184
'¢ +Made occult braid raise unarmed feat instead of computer knowledge.
'¢ +Restored several persuasion, stat updates and research conditions.
'¢ +Made stealth harder and restored melee and defense powerup effects.
'¢ +Fixed Nadia humanity loss and moved a recorder at Grout's mansion.
'¢ +Corrected unofferable gum and renamed asian vampire "The Cathayan".
'¢ Re-added lost guard model and fixed Russians discipline reactions.
'¢ Added about hundred expressions to thirty NPCs and a .38 for Flynn.
'¢ Placed cops at SM conversation and some missing lamps into museum.
'¢ Forced player in DMP cutscene and offered Vandal's quest later too.
'¢ Added Skelter quest state and fixed Isaac and Barabus log updates.
'¢ Improved Heather and Malcolm dialogues and cash description limits.
'¢ Fixed Imalia's quest second chance and repeating Romero fun sound.
'¢ Removed bad warrens re-entry sound and adjusted the clipboard date.
'¢ Auto-closed warehouse door and placed Temple bar up on his guides.
'¢ Fixed overlooked Shin Gunto, Galdjum and flamethrower basic issues.
'¢ Added junkyard sound using a car and fixed downtown bus stop name.
'¢ Restored Gangrel frenzy damage and some first discipline durations.
'¢ Fixed minor dialogue bugs, some basic/plus mixups and a few props.
'¢ Replaced Misti clones at Vesuvius and added a few inspection nodes.
'¢ Adjusted hospital scream and several wrong door and weapon sounds.
'¢ Unlocked one Temple door for Yukie and secured two others later on.
'¢ Locked Red Spot back door and restored missing gesture for Damsel.
'¢ Removed humanity loss for killing any kind of hunters on main hubs.
As usual, you can download it from The Patches Scrolls.