Disciples III: Renaissance Reviews
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GameZone gives it a 7.5/10:
Disciples fans will be pleased with the revamped aesthetics that ditch the (2D trying to imitate 3D) graphics, and now present the real deal. The game sports a very dark and Gothic art style, with castles and cathedrals, massive pointed towers, flying buttresses, and huge archways. Units and monsters share the same attention to detail, with armor pieces having grand designs. The overly dull color palette fits the theme of the game, so don't expect any vibrant, and cheerful vistas here folks.Purists might find the changes too extreme, and might be put off by new-found similarities to the Heroes series, or rather, outright copying. If nothing else, at least Disciples III: Renaissance puts a visual twist on a classic formula.
Metro.co.uk gives it a 2/10:
The game doesn't even have a proper online multiplayer mode to save it, just a hotseat one where you have to keep swapping places at the PC to take one turn at a time. Add in a mountain of bugs and glitches and you have one of the least appealing PC games since Bus-Simulator 2. And frankly we almost wish we'd reviewed that instead.
Frictionless Insight gives it a 2/5:
Disciples III is deeply complex, but that complexity detracts from, rather than adding to, the fun. The game would have been far more entertaining (and easier to develop) if the systems had been vastly simplified and honed, focusing on the strengths of earlier games (like exploration and territory conquest). For those systems in place, better tutorials than the weak initial mission and simple videos would have made the game far more accessible. Instead, Disciples III left me wondering why I had bothered to garrison cities and waste moves trying to figure out how to move items between parties. It should have left me wondering how humanity would survive this Elven onslaught, and whether I should be training another archer or researching a powerful new spell. Ultimately, none of that mattered. I just needed to lead my army down a predetermined path by repeatedly clicking until I won.
ActionTrip gives it a 6.3/10:
There wasn't anything remotely challenging in Disciples 3, but I wanted to know more about the story and characters. Much to my dissatisfaction, the dialogue was written poorly, representing another segment of the game that wasn't handled professionally. Well, that was my own moment of weakness right there. I liked Disciples 2 and I will miss it. Unless Akella does something amazing with this franchise, there's nothing else left to do but bury it and just move on.
And Kit Guru Games doesn't score it:
I would recommend this title, but with reservation. I enjoyed playing it over the course of a few weeks, but it left me equally vexed and pleasured. Some of the decisions seem so silly that I find it hard to believe they ever passed the development teams approval. If you like King's Bounty and Heroes of Might and Magic V then I think this will surely appeal.