Demon's Souls Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1247
PS3Vault tosses out a 9/10:
Demon's Souls remains a fresh experience even through five additional new games, with only one class. Players will be unable to obtain all the spells and equipment in one play-through. The possiblities for even more replay value exist if you are intent on trying different classes, something I strongly suggest. My first new game ended at around 40 hours. If you haven't bought this game yet and are on the fence, go to your nearest store.
Rejected Gamer gives it a 3/3:
As generic as it may look, Demon's Souls (stands-out) more than I ever expected. It's hard to explain the vibe its gameplay casts into the heart of the player, without actually experiencing its dark corners and dreary hall-ways first-hand. And with little more than wanting the ability to sell off my (loot), a refined lock-on targeting system, and a tad sturdier frame-rate, I'm very impressed with what From Software has crafted. Without a doubt, Demon's Souls is the most unexpected, addictive 3rd person action RPG I've played. The challenge is welcome, the action is intense, and the mood of its gameplay is damn near mesmerizing. PS3 owners have themselves a gem! Fans of the genre, along with fans of challenging games, should already have this on their shelves. Everyone else should be scouring the planet for a copy, considering it's already a (hard to get) title. It won't be long before you realize Demon's Souls is the best, next-gen action RPG to date.
Military goes with an "A+":
Labeling a game as incredibly difficult may sound like a weird kind of praise, but in a day when most developers are quick to coddle players, "Demon's Souls" is a challenge you'll welcome accepting.
And The A.V. Club hits it with a "B":
The forced repetition and steep odds could've been a disaster. But the mêlée combat, mapped primarily to the PlayStation 3's rear triggers, is so beautifully precise, it demands to be mastered. Death always feels like an absence of skill, not an unpredictable abuse on the game's part. And when players fight their way back to where their own bloodstains are still lying, then make it just a few steps further, it's enough of a personal victory to compel them to keep fighting. It's heartbreaking but immersive, that rare occasion that a game truly makes players feel like heroes facing down impossible odds. And every success, hard-won one grueling inch at a time, is likely to keep them coming back for more.