Mount & Blade Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1120
There are a few issues with the current version of the game which need to be looked at. But, despite all the game's shortcomings, it is a whole heap of fun to play. The combat and the tournaments are the meat of the game, and this part of the game is where the game wins me over. With the game receiving continual development (version 1.011 was released recently), the shortcomings of the game will no doubt be improved upon. Now, if you will excuse me, it is time to get back on my high horse and lop off some more heads.
The second is at DarkZero with a score of 8/10:
For those of you still waiting for me to make some hilarious derogatory comment about the graphics, forget M&B. It's not for you. Everyone else, if you're not already convinced, get yourselves over to the TaleWorlds website and download the M&B trial. It might not be to everyone's tastes, but it makes a whole bunch of interesting and bold design decisions, and I guarantee you've not played anything quite like it. For those reasons alone, it gets a glowing recommendation.
And the third is at AceGamez with a score of 8/10:
Medieval warfare just got even trendier and, despite several major deficiencies, Mount & Blade has just too many memorable moments of glory to ignore; the price tag is worth it for the sunsets alone.