Torchlight Xbox 360 Reviews
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GameSpot gives it an 8.0/10:
Torchlight might not break any new ground, but it remains an inspired reimagining of the hack-and-slash RPG formula. While the lack of multiplayer might keep it out of the big leagues for some players, it is still a great solo dungeon crawl with the ability to eat up a lot of your spare time.
Evil Avatar gives it a perfect 5/5:
Everything else in the world of Torchlight is nearly identical to the PC version. You'll grab quests and head down the endless levels of dungeons while going through the story and gaining levels. Unfortunately, unlike the PC version, there are no mods due to the 360's restrictions on user-created content. However, the fact that it's only a 200 MB download does make this one easy on your hard drive. If you couldn't play the PC version of the game or need something to get your away from Rift or World of Warcraft, you should really consider purchasing Torchlight. Ok, now that this review is out of the way, I'm going to grab my Beserker and go bash in a few Gnoll heads.
Pixel Jumpers gives it a 4/5:
In the end, Torchlight is a great experience that fans of hack and slash rpgs should immediately pick up. While the technical problems are a sad oversight and the lack of co-op may turn some people off, the undeniable charm, expansive loot system and pure addictive fun that can be had should be more than enough for those looking for their next XBLA fix.
Player Affinity gives it an 8.5/10:
While Torchlight on XBLA is not as good as its PC brethren, it's still a damn fine game that will provide you more fun than most 60 dollar releases out now. Torchlight is beautiful, inventive, and most importantly, fun. No matter if you're a long time Diablo fan, or an avid hater of that style of game, you should try Tochlight.
The Examiner gives it a perfect 5/5:
Runic Games did a great job of turning a PC classic into a console soon-to-be classic. If you're at all a fan of these RPG dungeon crawler types, then you'll find plenty of love for Torchlight.
Go! Gaming Giant gives it a 7/10:
Torchlight has no allusions to be more than a polished dungeon crawler and that's exactly what it is. With plenty of side quests unfinished, it took around 15 hours to finish and as such is well worth the price. If you're fan of the genre you won't be disappointed, while newbies may be pleasantly surprised by how quickly they take to the grind.
Anime Courtyard gives it a 9/10:
You can excpect an amazing dungeon crawler; with a good array of quests, lots of dungeons to explore, excellent music to accompany the game, beautifully painted backgrounds and scenery, for the price of 1200 Microsoft Points you can't go wrong with this RPG.
That Gamer Hub gives it a 4/5:
As in Diablo and other games of this nature, the amount of clicking/button pressing is a bit repetitive and if that doesn't strike your fancy then you will not like the game (but then again, this genre may not be for you). I do wish the game had a multiplayer aspect, though Runic combats this with NPC's (non-playable characters) joining you at various times and/or has your pet alongside you at all times. I do wish a bit deeper of a story was present and while throwbacks to Diablo are ever-present, and I didn't mind them, people looking for something brand new may be a tad underwhelmed and simply say (so, when's that gimpy little kid coming out?)
SFX-360 doesn't score it:
The game is great and I enjoyed every minute I played, and it has a lot to offer the gamers who enjoy games like Diablo and even World of Warcraft. I'll be giving this game a perfect 5 out of 5. The game offers endless game play, randomized dungeons, many ways to customize your character, cute pets that will help you out, and very solid graphics and music. For only 1200MSP this is a great buy and you should go to the Xbox Live marketplace as soon as possible if you enjoy an endless adventure. You'll be sure to put even more hours then myself once you start playing. Torchlight isn't your average dungeon crawler that will take a day to beat It will take hours upon hours to make a dent in the game I've already spent around 12 plus hours. Me playing an entire XBLA this much is extremely rare for me, so I'm glad to say this game is a huge hit in my book and I'll be coming back for more.
VGRevolution doesn't score it, either:
If you have not played Torchlight yet the Xbox Live Arcade version is a great way to go, but even for long time Torchlight fans the console version is well worth picking up to play through again.
XXLGaming gives it an 85/100:
Torchlight is not groundbreaking in gameplay or presentation. What it does do well is transfer from the PC version to the Xbox 360 very well. The controls are simple and the menus are easy to navigate throughout the entire game. The game is practically limitless with plenty of DLC support which I hope to definitely see in the future. The game also gives you many hours of gameplay and exploration and each time you find one of those random rare item drops gives you the same tickle in your tummy as any other game. I will say that Torchlight is one of the best dungeon crawler games to come to the Xbox 360 in a long time perhaps the best ever. If you are a fan of the Diablo series then this is almost a no brainer must buy. You definitely won't be wasting your money. You'll have Leaderboards and achievements of course to compare against your friends. The only downside to the game is lack of multiplayer. Co-op would have been very welcome in this game and hopefully it comes in the form of an update down the road. But its still a solid single player experience and one that'll have you playing for quite a while. Check out Torchlight which is released on XBLA Wednesday March 9th. Happy dungeon crawling!
And Winding Down gives it an 8/10:
It's a testament to just how solid and, honestly, addictive, this game is that even a nasty glitch couldn't keep me away from it. Decking out your character with new items is as addictive as it is fun, and the wide variety of skills available to each character, despite the limited number of skill binds, makes the action entertaining throughout. Hack-'n'-slash fans will find hours upon hours of content waiting for them in the dark mines of Torchlight and, even if you've already played it before, it's still just as fun as it was the first go-around. All lovers of loot should definitely add this to their digital library.