Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter Update #17, $523,907 and Counting

A new update has gone live for Divinity: Original Sin's Kickstarter campaign, with a major reward update: every tier from $95 and above will get Divinity: Dragon Commander together with Original Sin. There's also another interesting update inside:
Kirill performing live tomorrow

Hear ye, hear ye! The marvellous and miraculous musical magician Kirill Pokrovsky will dazzle and delight your heart and soul with the soulful music of Divinity in a divine treat for the fans. Sit down, perk up and let Kirill take you to the world of fantastic fantasia known from Divine Divinity and beyond!

In the style of a true oriental oracle, the amazing Kirill will answer any questions you may have in an extensive Q&A session.

So mark the date: Thursday, April 18th at 19h GMT+1 (19:00 Brussels - 18:00 London - 13:00 New York - 10:00 San Francisco - 21:00 Moscow)
Related Games: Divinity: Original Sin